Trout Magazine

  • Fishing Featured

    Excuse me… just slamming through

    Owen Prettyman fishing a small creek while attempting to complete his Utah Cutthroat Slam with a Bonneville cutthroat trout. Daniel A. Ritz photo. Making memories to last a lifetime in Utah  Daniel Ritz is fishing across the Western United States this summer in an attempt to reach the Master Caster class of the Western Native Trout Challenge,…

  • Fishing

    Everything you wanted to know: bonneville cutthroat trout

    Bonneville cutthroat trout (Oncorhynchus clarkii utah)  Species summary and status: The State Fish of Utah, the Bonneville cutthroat was historically found in the Bonneville Basin, including suitable habitat within Utah, Idaho, Wyoming, and Nevada. Although scientists believed pure strains of Bonneville cutthroat were extinct, a few isolated populations were discovered in Utah in the 1970s and…

  • Conservation

    Climate resilience in a hotter, drier West

    The West is in the grips of another hot, dry summer, with more than 60 large wildfires currently burning across the region. At the same time, the effects of last year’s fires are apparent in many states; Interstate 70, a major artery for east-west transportation, has been shut down through Colorado’s Glenwood Canyon multiple times in the past two months due to mudslides resulting from last year’s Grizzly Creek fire. The epicenter of the ongoing drought is the Colorado River…

  • Boats Featured

    The most over-the-top drift boat ever?

    Did the headline grab you? Good, because this might be a slight exaggeration. Or maybe not. Over the weekend, my buddy sent me a link to a boat over on a group we belong to on Facebook called Drift Boats Unlimited. In the posting, a gentleman named Grant Brown had about 25 images of a…

  • Trout Talk Featured

    Why fly fishing is like pizza

    Pizza is pizza, right?  A little crust, a little sauce, some cheese… bada-bing! There you go. Not hardly! Perish that thought. Great pizza is an artform. It should be a perfect balance involving great crust, delicious sauce, golden cheese and fantastic toppings. If any of those four elements are deficient in any way… meh pizza!  The operative word…

  • Conservation

    Forest Service announcement is great win for the Tongass National Forest

    A brown bear searches for its next meal near Wrangell, Alaska, on the Tongass National Forest. Chris Hunt photo. By ending industrial old-growth logging and investing in restoration, USFS places new focus on forest health, recreation and resiliency  For decades America’s largest national forest has been subjected to industrial clear-cut logging that has left its bountiful salmon runs,…