Trout Magazine

  • From the field

    Race up Rock Creek

    Rock Creek trout

    Last year it was Larry who wowed the crowd with his 140 mile swim. This year, Trash Can Jr. is in the lead, migrating nearly 50 miles to date. But the real question is what the heck is going on with Wesley Cooper Saywell Farty Pants? It’s the 4th and final year for the Race…

  • Trout Talk

    Going back to the vest

    We've all been there — water lapping at the top of our waders, shallower water a few feet distant but the spot directly in front maybe just a few inches too deep. During a recent outing I stood waist-deep in a chilly run, wondering if I needed to turn around and wade back into the…

  • Boats

    Video: Raft Tear Field Repair

    Last week Josh posted a piece on valve repair, and I want to take it a little bit further with a very in-depth video from the folks at Rafting Magazine and Sotar rafts about field repair for raft tears using both a traditional repair kit and a handy product called Tear-Aid. Tear-Aid is an indispensable…