Trout Magazine

  • Fishing Featured

    Pursuing ‘the people’s fish’ in Alaska

    “When we think about people, and the ‘habitat’ people utilize, we don’t just look at the superhighways where they can easily be seen traveling," he said. "People don’t live on the freeways, people don’t ‘spawn’ on the freeways or on their commute.”

    The author traveled to the end of the road in his pursuit of Dolly Varden. Daniel A. Ritz photo. Searching for Dolly Varden in southeast Alaska Daniel Ritz is fishing across the Western United States this summer in an attempt to reach the Master Caster class of the Western Native Trout Challenge, attempting to land each of…

  • Fishing

    Dolly Varden: all you need to know

    Dolly Varden (Salvelinus malma) Species summary and status: Though similar to, and often confused with trout, Dolly Varden are in fact a char. To tell a char from a trout you can look at their spots — char have light spots (white or yellow to red) on a dark body, while trout have dark spots (brown…

  • Boats Featured Fishing

    Quick tip: use 2x4s for a drift boat trailer stand

    I almost destroyed a newly refurbished wooden drift boat years ago by not checking on it for a couple of weeks

    Raft-folk, you'll have no idea what I'm talking about, but if you own a drift boat and store it outside for any length of time you understand what a problem snow and rain can pose, no matter the material of your boat. I learned long ago that raising your bow in the air, chocking your…

  • Trout Talk Featured

    No fish dry in July

    Take photos of everything ... but the fish Our friends at Keep Fish Wet and Ten And Two Co. have announced “No Fish Dry July,” a campaign that encourages anglers to ask themselves, “Do I really need a photo of that fish?” and challenges them not to take a single fish photo for the month…

  • Community From the President

    Finding community on Independence Day

    On this Independence Day, we honor those who have made a commitment to their communities, and the nation, the centerpiece of their lives

    “I think of a hero as someone who understands the degree of responsibility that comes with his freedom.” – Bob Dylan I firmly believe that the obligations of community do not contradict independence. What I have seen, in fact, is that when strong, independent men and women dedicate themselves to service, communities emerge.  On this Independence…