Digging deeper into critical minerals
If you'll recall, the Biden administration recently released it's 100-day review of critical mineral supply chains. As promised we are taking a deeper dive into how that report reflects on our tenets. Read on to find out how the Biden administration's recommendations stack up against our own tenets. Tenet 1: Before seeking new sources of raw…
What to do if we can’t fish?
Native Colorado River cutthroat trout. Kara Armano photo. Luckily, I've still been able to fish. Thanks to living over 8,000 feet and having plenty of high mountain streams and lakes, I have lots of options. At least so far. I recently went to beat the heat that was nearing triple digits to a new-to-me high…
Teach the kids to row their own watercraft
What do you do when the kids get a bit older and you're tired of handing out snack after snack on big river trips? Get them their own watercraft. We all want our kids to learn the river from their own perspective and to safely make mistakes and corrections while the consequences are low. The…
Big day in Klamath Country
FERC approves license transfer; request sent to Congress for drought assistance Two things happened on June 17 that underscore the influence of Trout Unlimited’s two decades of work in the Klamath River basin to restore this river and its legendary salmon and steelhead runs. First, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) approved the transfer of…
Sen. Bennet seeks to modernize oil-and-gas reclamation, leasing in the West
Introduced today by U.S. Sen. Michael Bennet of Colorado, the Oil and Gas Bonding Reform and Orphaned Well Remediation Act addresses inadequacies of the current federal reclamation bonding system, including outdated and inadequate minimum bond amounts and increased cost of reclaiming modern oil and gas wells. The bill's introduction is coupled with the reintroduction of Bennet's Public…
Drought and fishing in the Colorado River Basin
To conclude our Western Water 101 series, I talked with a few of our staff working on projects in the Colorado River Basin about fishing conditions and what anglers can do to help protect our beloved trout. Low flows and high temps are already plaguing the Upper Colorado River Each installment of Western Water 101…
Quick Tip: Girth hitch your cam straps
All it really consists of is using a girth hitch to attach your cam-strap to the frame, d-ring ... whatever really
Look at 10 different rafts and you most likely see 10 different ways to rig the exact same thing. Almost every time I go out on a trip with other folks for an extended period of time, I learn something about rigging. Some good, some bad, and some will change the way you do things…