Colorado, Nevada and New Mexico public lands bills up for hearing
This Wednesday, the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Subcommittee on Public Lands, Forests and Mining will hear a slew of bills, four of which are of particular importance to TU members and supporters. Find a brief description of each below and then click on the links for more information. Also, please call your elected representative to let them know…
Twenty tips on how to take better photos on the water
Part two Editor's note: This is the second installment in a two-part series. Read part one here. Cameras have gotten faster, cheaper and a whole lot more powerful. Almost everyone owns a camera or has a very powerful one in their phone and, therefore, everyone can be a photographer. While “happy snaps” can do a…
Think Tank: Fish are free and community scientists are needed
This type of Community Science can be fun, help you learn more about different branches of science, and maybe lead to some interesting discoveries! And while TU’s Rivers App can be used to document any water body, there are other ways you engage in Community Science online from climate change data collection and measuring light pollution to observing fireflies. For other fun things to do check out Trout Unlimited's Summer of Science.
Check out Trout Unlimited's Summer of Science activities The day we look forward to and are sad about at the same time came on May 22 as our New York Trout in the Classroom Think Tank fingerlings were released into their watershed home. The 50 baby trout were carefully given their freedom into the Cross…
Swing wet flies and feel like a kid again
In our family, we had an informal rule about kids fishing on their own—you started out by fishing wet flies downstream, and once you reached a certain age, you got to turn upstream and fish dry flies. It was a tiny, gentle river, really, and there was always an adult looking on, even if we didn’t…
Policy update: Waters of the U.S. revisited, and a critical look at critical minerals
TU welcomes EPA decision to revisit WOTUS Trout Unlimited welcomed this week's announcement from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency that the “Waters of the United States” rule promulgated by the previous administration is illegal and must be redrawn. In moving to repeal and revise the rule, the EPA is listening to the many states, businesses,…
Barbless Flies for happier fish and happier anglers
A big cicada fly prompted me to become an advocate for barbless hooks. It was a great fly, tied by a friend and proven effective over and over on a host of different waters. Like many of us, I was conscious of the importance of pinching down the barb on my flies to make releasing…
Mining for answers on critical minerals
On Tuesday, the Biden administration announced key findings in the 100-day supply chain review required by an executive order issued in February. The report, Building Resilient Supply Chains, Revitalizing American Manufacturing, and fostering Broad-based Growth, covers a wide range of supply chain issues, including critical minerals. But what do supply chains and critical minerals have to do…