Trout Magazine

  • Trout Talk

    For crayfish flies, keep it simple

    I have a friend who is an extremely talented fly tier. His creations are intricate and gorgeous. And they would certainly catch fish, too, if he ever actually fished with them. But he doesn’t. Because, you know, who wants to risk losing a fly that it took an hour to tie? While creating fancy flies can…

  • Teenager explores home water as a TU volunteer

    “I walked up and there was a lady sitting there and this boy, like 9 or 10, riding a boogie board in the culvert,” said Browne. “It was pretty crazy.”

    Local student surveyed culverts on Gallatin River tributaries to determine possible fish barriers Nathan Browne expected to see high drop offs, steep inclines and maybe a beaver dam or two when he volunteered to survey road culverts on Gallatin River tributaries in the summer of 2020.  He saw those things, and other issues, but one of…

  • TROUT Magazine

    The beauty of close

    Sheer granite cliffs rose out of Lost Lake where I pulled my first small brook trout out of the water, an elk hair caddis in its mouth. Scarlet Indian paintbrush, yellow glacier lilies and purple elephant head padded the banks of the next lake like a cheery grandmother’s doormat. White and blue columbines clung to…

  • Community TU Business

    Healing Waters Lodge is a Gold Level TU Business Member

    “There are lots of great TU Business members who support our efforts, but I can think of only a few who do as much for TU as Mike and Laura Geary."

    Everyone who knows me knows I'm a Wyoming guy. I have roots here a mile deep. But if they ever throw me out of the Cowboy State, I'm headed north. I love Montana. It's the only place I know where everyone you meet is carrying a backpack and a rod tube. There are lots of…