Celebrating Women’s History Month via the Villepreaux-Power aquarium
The Think Tank brook trout are doing great and growing big. Every day we can learn more about their behavior, how they interact, and react to change by simply peering into their tank. In fact, our trout aquaria are like a window into the secret underwater life of streams and trout, and we have Jeanne Villepreux-Power, a 19th century marine scientist, to thank for this opportunity. Jeanne is responsible for designing building,…
Video: Five exercises to get you in shape for rowing season
Then it hit me while working out yesterday, perhaps I should concentrate on some exercises that will help me prepare for not only some big rafting trips I have coming up, but the entire season.
I snuck in my first float of the season two weeks ago. It was a solo affair on a section of the Colorado I know very well. Since then it has proceeded to snow or rain at least every other day in my neck of the woods and really put a damper on boating. I…
Celebrate the Spirit of TU tonight
Join this fun and uplifting virtual celebration of change makers National Volunteer Week gives us an opportunity to pause and celebrate the impact of volunteers like those that donate 750,000-plus hours each year with TU. Despite challenging and uncertain times in the last year, volunteers brought to life the Trout Unlimited mission in a variety of new and innovative…
Umpqua Feather Merchants stands with TU on Lower Snake
If you buy flies, you know about Umpqua Feather Merchants. If you tie flies, you know about Umpqua Feather Merchants. But if you think that Umpqua is only about flies, you might be in for a surprise. The story began almost 50 years ago. In 1972, most fly shops sold flies tied by local guides,…
Sharing paradise with grandkids on Earth Day
Reflections on climate change and its impact on future generations By Ann Foster Our cottage sits wedged between a busy state route and Paradise Creek. Out in front cars whiz by in a steady stream as locals make their way into town to catch busses on the daily commute to jobs in the metropolitan areas…
A raft without air?
How a small leak can mean big problems down the line in·flat·a·ble /inˈflādəb(ə)l/ Inflatable. Pretty simple to infer what it means, but by definition it’s the capability to be inflated with air. It also happens to be one of the most important components for any inflatable raft, kayak or paddle board. A couple weeks ago, after…
Seven ways to celebrate Earth Day at home
As a TU member and supporter, you can still take action on Earth Day and make a difference for cold, clean rivers and streams
Tomorrow (Thursday) is Earth Day, and it marks the second year in a row where millions of Americans are practicing safe, social distancing in response to the COVID-19 pandemic to help our community weather what are hopefully the waning days of the outbreak. Traditionally a time when TU members and supporters are at their most…