The blue and gold love browns and rainbows
The Trout Unlimited Service Partnership recently hosted Midshipmen from the U.S. Naval Academy Fishing and Conservation Club for a day of fly fishing at Maryland's Big Hunting Creek. Supported by volunteers from TU's Potomac-Patuxent, Northern Virginia, and National Capital chapters, equipment from TU Business Partner District Angling, and one heck of a barbecue lunch courtesy…
Guide Relief Program up and running in Montana
Having worked for Trout Unlimited for 16 years and been an active part of the fly-fishing world for almost twice that long, I’m never surprised when good people in the industry step up when their friends and neighbors are in need. A little more than a year ago, as the pandemic truly set in and…
‘A fair curve from a noble plan’
Need advice… “gonna build me a boat.” My whole life has been shaped by water. If I’m not on water… on a lake, or an ocean, or especially a river… riding the currents and such, I get downright cranky. I’m still like a baby that needs rocking. I also consider Guy Clark to be among the…
The benefits of remote work
This may sound a bit tone deaf, and my sincere apologies if that’s the case -- circumstances impact all of us differently. But working remotely, thanks largely to the coronavirus outbreak, is not without its benefits. I know a lot of us are itching to get back into the office and resume “normal” as soon…
A floating hot tub, snow-kayaking and a real paper canoe
When your life revolves around the fishing industry, creating boat content for a conservation organization, and maintaining a few too many boats of your own, you come across some pretty funny and entertaining stuff on the internet. This week I thought I'd share what I've stumbled across recently. Enjoy! The first is just genius. It's…
TU moms share and learn about the outdoors from their kids
Besides, what if her children – including those she has worked with through Trout Unlimited’s youth initiative programs - emerged as leaders of conservation and increase their generation’s efforts to restore and protect nature?
The joy of discovery and setting an example Long before she was a mother, Tara Granke understood the importance of connecting kids to nature. When her son, August, arrived nearly three years ago she quickly became aware of how much she could learn from him. “It is so amazing to watch his sense of wonder…
A time for carp
I just got back from a week in the Bahamas, where I put in long days on the flats stalking wily bonefish. It was good practice, because now, as runoff starts to cloud my local trout rivers, it's a time for carp. Wait. Bonefish? As a practice run for carp? Oh, hell yeah. Particularly if…