From Red Brook to Bristol Bay: scaling conservation
A few days ago, the people of Wareham, Mass., delivered a victory for conservation. They voted overwhelmingly against the wishes of their town administrator, and four of their five selectmen, and denied a 775-acre development in the headwaters of Red Brook. The development likely would have harmed one of the relatively few remaining populations of…
What’s your go-to attractor pattern when nothing’s hatching?
A native Yellowstone cutthroat trout falls for Slumpbuster during high water in June 2020. Chris Hunt photo. This is a pretty common dilemma, both when fishing larger rivers and especially when searching small water for trout. I’m a big fan of attractor patterns — bugs that don’t look like any one particular bite of trout…
Snake River named ‘most endangered’ by American Rivers
Photo by Eric Crawford. TU has worked for years to restore salmon and steelhead, and a dam-removal proposal is in the works American Rivers today named the Snake River America’s No. 1 Most Endangered River of 2021, pointing to perilously low returns of Snake River salmon and steelhead, and the urgent need for lawmakers and…
How to keep your fishing boat quiet
There are many considerations when getting into a boat. These obviously include safety, comfort and logistics. This list goes on and on, but the one thing anglers need to think about that other boaters do not, is noise. It's is a much bigger problem in hard boats versus rafts, but these quick tips can work…
Supporters of Red Brook score big win on zoning vote in Massachusetts
There are wins. And there are landslide victories. Trout Unlimited and out allies are enjoying one of the latter, after the citizens of a small town near Cape Cod resoundingly defeated a proposed rezoning that would have allowed for massive development in the headwaters of Red Brook, a small, spring-fed stream where TU and our…
Some of the wildest fishing destinations on earth
An angler tangles with a Dolly Varden on Alaska's Stikine River. Chris Hunt photo. How can I adequately capture the essence of fishing the world’s wildest fisheries in a few sentences when only a book might do them justice? I can’t. But it’s fun trying, so what the heck… Tasmania, Australia Overlooked, under-appreciated and wide open, the…
Urban trout stream in Pennsylvania benefits from Keystone Fund
Pennsylvania’s Monocacy Creek is featured in a new video from Trout Unlimited and the Theodore Roosevelt Conservation Partnership. The short video — the second in a series — highlights the crucial role the Keystone Fund has played in helping to preserve and promote this important public fishery. Stay tuned for more videos highlighting why the…