Trout Magazine

  • From the field

    A bridge over No Name Road

    A landowner’s love of his rural California land and the tiny steelhead stream that flows through it is key to the success of a challenging TU-led fish passage improvement project. Bruce Dormody was born and raised on a secluded, 2,600-acre property in the hills above Carmel Valley, Calif., operated for decades as San Clemente Rancho,…

  • Fishing

    To Wait on Pale Ice

    Day 5 The Adventure Series is a collection of outdoor experiences, highlighting stories about people with a shared appreciation for wildlife and wild places. These stories reach across cultural and political boundaries, connecting all walks of life and geographies. In pursuit of broadening our collective understanding, TU is partnering with the Wildlife Conservation Society's Arctic…

  • From the field

    TU in your state legislature

    As state legislatures begin to wrap up we thought it might be time you meet the faces behind the scenes — ones keeping your public lands in public hands and safeguarding fish, wildlife and your fishing habits. Trout Unlimited has been working in state legislatures across the country for more than a decade, finding…

  • Dam Removal

    Living Waters Fly Fishing stands with TU on Lower Snake

    “Conservation is one of the pillars of the fishing community and as anglers we are meant to be stewards of the aquatic environment. The removal of dams unlocks so much more than just the water they hold - it unlocks the natural potential of anadromous fish. By deconstructing our own creations, we allow nature to rebuild itself in a way that we could never imagine! For this reason, as a business and as anglers, Living Waters Fly Fishing supports the removal of dams on the Snake River.”

    You may have heard of Living Waters Fly Fishing in Round Rock, Texas.  The shop is owned and operated by Chris and Emily Johnson. Whatever you know or don’t know about fishing in Texas, know this: These folks are the real deal. They’re Gold Level TU Business members and just great people. Chris and Emily…

  • Trout Talk

    Use an indicator fly to help you see your midge

    The Griffith's Gnat. LakeLand Fishing photo. I popped into TroutHunter up in Island Park last weekend — the sun was shining and I just couldn’t stand the sight of the four walls of the home office anymore. I grabbed a half-dozen midge cluster patterns, some size 20 BWOs and wandered down to the lower Henry’s…

  • Fishing

    To Wait on Pale Ice

    Day 4 The Adventure Series is a collection of outdoor experiences, highlighting stories about people with a shared appreciation for wildlife and wild places. These stories reach across cultural and political boundaries, connecting all walks of life and geographies. In pursuit of broadening our collective understanding, TU is partnering with the Wildlife Conservation Society's Arctic…