Trout Magazine

  • Community

    Check out Namebini for great fishing in Minnesota

    Namebini has been a northern Minnesota business since 2007, taking its name from the original Ojibwe name for the nearby Sucker River.  Namebini has been a northern Minnesota business since 2007, taking its name from the original Ojibwe name for the nearby Sucker River.  Since then they have offered guided fly fishing and a variety of…

  • Science Conservation Featured

    Unwrapping genetic gifts that tell meaningful stories of trout

    Lately I’ve been ruminating about why I love genetics, a wonky field of numbers and theory where a true understanding of results only happens long after the field season — in an office, on a computer at that. Every time I get new genetic results it’s like receiving a surprise gift. So many processes — all this history we can’t see — shape the genes of all organisms, including fish. The genetic patterns we uncover, then, tell us real and important things about the conservation needs of these fish. …

  • Responsible Recreation Quarantine stories TU Costa 5 Rivers Youth

    Public Lands: A place to make memories

    Editor's Note: During Public Lands Month in September Trout Unlimited's Costa 5 Rivers program director reached out to four student leaders and asked them to capture their experience recreating on public lands, what lessons they learned during the month, and what they did to recreate responsibly during the COVID-19 pandemic. These are their stories and…

  • Community

    Wind River Outdoor Company is a conservation leader

    If there’s one thing I’ve learned in my work with Trout Unlimited Business members, it’s this: “If you want to know about the outfit, you’ve got to know the boss.” I suppose that’s true almost across the board. Organizations, whether they’re multi-nationals or mom-and-pops, tend to reflect the qualities of their leaders. And nowhere is…

  • Community Featured STREAM Girls Youth

    Trout Unlimited receives EPA grant to expand STREAM Girls

    By Jamie Vaughan Trout Unlimited staff in Michigan are excited to announce the expansion of the STREAM Girls program throughout the state thanks to a recently awarded grant through the Environmental Protection Agency’s Environmental Education Program.  The goal of expanding Trout Unlimited’s STREAM Girls Program is to educate more than 275 girls, 35 partners and volunteers, and 1,000 community members…

  • Advocacy Featured

    Responsible oil and gas development can happen

    Colorado TU and national TU worked in harmony to pass groundbreaking changes to Colorado’s oil and gas drilling regulations.   Starting in 2014, Trout Unlimited initiated conversations with the oil and gas industry and conservation partners to establish more robust protections for Colorado’s most important fisheries. The idea was simple: prohibit stream-side oil and gas development and require spill protection…

  • Responsible Recreation Community Quarantine stories TU Costa 5 Rivers

    Public Lands: Be a responsible angler

    Not everyone is responsible with their waste, but we as good stewards can help pick up the slack. Pack out all trash you pack in. Take that granola bar wrapper out with you. Maybe bring along a small grocery bag to pack out other trash you find.

    Editor's Note: During Public Lands Month in September Trout Unlimited's Costa 5 Rivers program director reached out to four student leaders and asked them to capture their experience recreating on public lands, what lessons they learned during the month, and what they did to recreate responsibly during the COVID-19 pandemic. These are their stories and…