Trout Magazine

  • Boats

    Boats are for fishing?

    Most people in the fishing realm “get into” boats for one reason. To get to the fish. As an angler first, that’s why I was initially intrigued too — it was a means to an end. These days, though, there’s more to a boat for me than just the fishing. I’m almost to point where…

  • Restoration Conservation

    Alaska Federation of Natives endorses restoration of the Eklutna River

    Last week, the Alaska Federation of Natives the largest statewide organization or indigenous people in Alaska, endorsed efforts to restore the Eklutna River.  Traditionally known as Idlughetnu (Id-lug-het-nu), the Eklutna River and its wild salmon runs supported the Dena’ina (Eklutna peoples) for thousands of years. But, since the early 1900s, hydroelectric production on the river has severely limited the habitat for wild Eklutna River salmon. The significant blows contributing to the downfall…

  • Conservation

    New England Newsletter — Highlights of 2020

    You don’t need us to tell you that 2020 was a challenging year. The pandemic created lots of hardships for TU’s field staff in New England, including the postponement of many projects. Always flexible, the New England team did a great job reacting to the difficult situation. For example, when fieldwork days took place, they were modified to ensure all participants adhered to COVID-related safety measures. Staffers…