Fish northwest Montana with Wild Montana Anglers
Martin City, Mont. Can you point to it on a map? Yeah, when Mark Fuller's Wild Montana Anglers first joined as a TU Business member, I couldn't either. It's north of Kalispell and east of Columbia Falls, on the west slope of the Rockies. And it's a wonderful place for the fly angler. Mark Fuller…
Think Tank: Resolutions and barriers
We all know 2020 was a tough year. Sadly, our trout were not spared. Tragedy hit the TIC Virtual Think Tank at the Trailside Museum as the year came to an end. A December snowstorm and building closures combined with power outages created unsuitable habitat for our small fry. The situation was exacerbated by the…
Federal budget includes boost for Delaware basin
Trout Unlimited’s efforts in the Delaware River Basin will get a boost as a result of the federal 2021 budget. The Delaware River Basin Restoration Program (DRBRP) received $10 million in funding as part of the fiscal year 2021 Appropriations bill recently approved by Congress and signed by President Trump. The sum is a modest increase from the $9.7 million budgeted last fiscal year. The…
Long live the Gila trout
Seven of us pierced the Gila wildlands that day, and, despite the best efforts of a clueless pot-shotter, all seven of us made it out without holes in our hides. We never figured out who was shooting or what they were shooting at
Huddled as close to the fallen tree as we could get, Kirk and I looked at each other, our eyes wide with surprise and a touch of fear. The bullet had missed us by a wide margin, but the fact that we could hear it as it zinged overhead after the ricochet was unnerving. "Wait…
It’s time for the lower Snake River dams to go
“It is our collective opinion, based on overwhelming scientific evidence, that restoration of a free-flowing lower Snake River is essential to recovering wild Pacific salmon and steelhead in the basin.” So reads a remarkable letter recently sent to the governors of Oregon, Washington, Idaho and Montana by 10 of the finest and most-respected salmon and steelhead scientists in…
Celebrating 20 years of roadless conservation
When you think about your favorite remote fishing or hunting trip, a wild landscape where large trout, wild salmon or big game are plentiful, or breathtaking scenery where you can get away from it all, the odds are good you’re thinking of a roadless area. Roadless areas are strongholds for vulnerable fish and wildlife,…
Hiking the CDT: Concrete and dust
By Henry Strawbridge Editor’s Note: The Strawbridge family from Lakeland, Fla., hiked the length of the Continental Divide Trail – all 3,100 miles of it – from Canada to Mexico. Henry Strawbridge, 14, provided updates of their journey to Trout Unlimited as they passed through the historic range of seven native trout species. You can track the…