Conserving Oregon’s ‘vast and wild’ Owyhee River
The rugged country and streams in the Owyhee River watershed in eastern Oregon represent one of the best remaining opportunities for landscape-scale conservation in the West. Trout Unlimited is working through a coalition of sportsmen’s groups and sporting businesses — Owyhee Sportsmen — to ensure this remarkable area remains unspoiled by development. The campaign to…
Reams Construction helps reclaim mine site in southwest Colorado
Recently, TU partnered Reams Construction on just this type of project. Reams won a competitive bid for the Atlas Mine and Mill reclamation project outside of Ouray, Colo. This project sits on the edge of a 100-year floodplain on Sneffels Creek where the former Atlas Mill stood years ago
Editor's note: TU works with some extremely talented characters while developing and completing projects in the field that help make fishing better. We are excited to bring you a series highlighting these Contractors. We hire equipment operators, truck drivers, laborers, material suppliers, engineers, technicians, and water testing labs. They are unique, talented, humble and some are downright wild, but TU’s contractors…
Tying the Wiggler version of the San Juan Worm
The good, old San Juan Worm is one of the best fly patterns out there, even if you might feel a bit sheepish tying it on for fear one of your buddies will see you casting it and accuse you of high-brow cheating. Of course, you’re not cheating—you’re imitating an aquatic food source that’s common…
Jeremy Brooks memorial internship applications due Feb. 1
If you know a young person who is interested in the outdoors, fishing and/or conservation as a possible career path, and you think they might want a really cool summer job where they will get their boots wet, have them learn more about the Jeremy Brooks Memorial Internship from Trout Unlimited here. The Jeremy Brooks Memorial Internship is…
TU and Forest Service team up for Michigan intern program
In 2020 Trout Unlimited, in partnership with the Huron-Manistee National Forest, ran a program that employed interns on three Wild and Scenic Rivers. The interns represented both Trout Unlimited and the Forest Service, informing river users of the regulations, providing information on coldwater resources as well as Wild and Scenic designations and Leave No Trace principles. Interns were stationed at river landings to check permits (where required) and educate…
New year’s pledge: Plenty of time on the water
There's nearly no better way to kick off a new year than on a river. It’s a great way to set things right, forget what happened in the previous year and daydream about fishing adventures to come. A few years back, I attempted to catch a trout on a dry fly every month of the year. For some…
How conservation can save our politics and save America
Wednesday afternoon, a day that America won’t soon forget, I was on a phone call just across the river in Trout Unlimited's Arlington, Va., headquarters. A group of us at TU were talking about recovering Snake River salmon populations in the Pacific Northwest when my phone began blaring with a message from the mayor of Washington, D.C. In response to the attacks on the Capitol, she was ordering a city-wide curfew in three hours. TU staff and volunteers regularly go…