Fishing in the abyss
California’s Owens River offers prettier sections. There are certainly reaches of this stream where an angler can find larger trout. There are many places on this river where you will not hear and feel electric diodes buzzing like murder wasps in the background. In fact, fishing the deep, dark-walled gorge this river carved over millennia…
Simms, TU partner to focus on the Gallatin in Montana
Multi-year collaboration will benefit fishery, community When collaboration works well, it has a tendency to grow into new opportunities. It happened this summer during a call between Chris Wood, CEO and president of Trout Unlimited, and K. C. Walsh, executive chair of Simms Fishing Products. They had been discussing how to stand united against Pebble Mine…
Bone-cold fishing in the face of winter
Cold fingers sting back to life, pressed firmly against the vent as warm air, fresh from the engine block, puffs on pink digits. The heat reawakens icy toes, and what was numb is now just painful. I gobble a sandwich. Cameron is lost in his phone. We don't speak. Not because there’s nothing to say.…
STREAM Girls builds confidence in STEM and the outdoors despite COVID
Learn more about this youth program in an online session this evening The Girl Scout motto is “Be prepared.” I feel like there is no better motto for 2020. Maybe it should be something like, “Be prepared for a bunch of stuff you thought you could never be prepared for but actually we just have…
Pebble Mine stopped
U.S. Army Corps denies permit to construct massive open-pit mine in the headwaters of Bristol Bay Today, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers denied the key permit for the proposed Pebble Mine and announced that it found the proposed Pebble mine would cause significant degradation to the Bristol Bay region. That’s right. After nearly two decades of…
Nature’s wonders bring thanks
Finding things to be thankful for this week — especially this year — can be a challenge. But if we look deep enough, we can find them. I chose to look in nature. The brightest green lichen on dark volcanic rocks pop against the drab fall scenery. The sweet smell of ponderosa pines after a recent storm. …
Hiking the CDT: Fire and wildlife
Editor’s Note: The Strawbridge family from Lakeland, Fla., is hiking the length of the Continental Divide Trail – all 3,100 miles of it – from Canada to Mexico. Henry Strawbridge, 14, will be providing updates of their journey to Trout Unlimited as they pass through the historic range of seven native trout species. You can track the…