Trout Magazine

  • Voices from the river Featured

    Is it spring yet?

    It’s cold here along the northern fringes of the Snake River Plain — snow blankets the ground, and the wind has a sinister bite, even though it’s not even Thanksgiving yet. As I’ve gotten older, this is the time of year I like the least — it’s cold, but it’s going to get colder. There’s…

  • Get Outdoors Arizona business coalitions aims to protect public lands

    Public lands importance has risen more this year than ever before giving Americans an opportunity to find respite in nature

    Trout Unlimited recently partnered with the Arizona Wildlife Federation to create the Get Outdoors Arizona business coalition (GOAZ) to ensure their voices are heard during the policy-making process at both the state and federal level. GOAZ is a coalition of businesses and organizations across Arizona that recognize the important link between strong conservation policies and…

  • Voices from the river Featured

    Grayling giggles on the Gulkana

    Her infectious grayling giggles mirrored the steady stream of top-water action so well that none of us had to look to know the story

    Arctic grayling from the Gulkana River.

    It took time, but I finally learned that you cannot wholly recreate a successful trip. My best advice? Don’t even try. Any attempt to do so immediately sets you up for disappointment and, in all honesty, undercuts the thrill of the trip. Every adventure is bound to be a little different, and wiser heads will nod as I add that this dash of uniqueness is part of the curiosity, and appeal, that…