Embrace A Stream Challenge: Only 48 hours left to ‘Give Where You Fish’
DONATE NOW AT WWW.EMBRACEASTREAM.ORG Join Trout Unlimited and Orvis in helping 17 local TU chapters — made up of members and volunteers like you — restore the rivers they love and unlock $20,000 in cash prizes to support their work. Together we’ve already raised more than $31,000 for these great projects, and with just 48…
Shannon’s Fly Shop in Califon, NJ is a TU team player
What a year this has been! As we head toward Thanksgiving, it would probably be a good thing to reflect a little bit, and be thankful for the things and the people that have sustained us over the last year. Things like fishing, for example. And people that helped us get through these difficult times.…
Instagram Live with Jim Holland from Shannon’s Fly Shop in Califon, NJ
Join me on Instagram Live on Friday November 6 at 4 PM EST @troutunlimited when I talk with Jim Holland @shannonsfly about fishing, fly tying, conservation and more!
Shannon’s Fly and Tackle in Califon, NJ is one of America’s great fly shops. Les Shannon established the shop in 1973 as part of a vision for the future of conservation in New Jersey. One of the keepers of that vision is Jim Holland. With his partners George Cassa and Eric Hildebrant, along with the…
First look at Denali
I'd come all the way to Alaska and saw more grayling than I'd ever seen in one place. And I didn't catch a single one from this river. And I didn't mind a bit
With a view like this, a fishless day isn't too bad after all Just a glance over the side of the canoe revealed the life swimming in this crystal-clear spring creek situated just off the Alaska Highway about a 100 miles southeast of Fairbanks. Big Arctic grayling—and some of the biggest whitefish I'd ever seen—cruised…
Support TU’s youth programs through GRTU 100 for 100 Challenge
TU's youth outreach has never been more crucial as kids are stuck inside, suffering from Zoom fatigue and screen-bound for hours on end
To sustain Trout Unlimited's conservation legacy it is vital we pass the baton to people like Andrew Dang. Andrew is a former Youth Leadership Council member and TU teen leader. He received the Youth Leadership Award at the 2019 TU Annual Meeting. We asked Andrew about his origins with conservation and TU. "My love for conservation grew from my…
We Are TU: Eric Booton
We care about clean water, healthy fisheries and vibrant communities. We roll up our sleeves to volunteer, we sit on our boards, and we strategize as members and leaders of staff. We want you to join us. For a discounted first-time membership, click here: https://gifts.tu.org/we-are-tu The aim of this blog series is to highlight our friends, in…
Eat a salmon for Bristol Bay with Steve Kurian from Pride of Bristol Bay
Bristol Bay, Alaska … the center of the earth for wild sockeye salmon, a top-10 location for dream sportfishing opportunity, and Ground Zero for the battle against the proposed Pebble Mine. Unfortunately, if you know about Bristol Bay, you also likely know about the ill-conceived Pebble Mine plan from Northern Dynasty Minerals that would create North…