Killer instincts? Not yet!
The NYC and Watersheds TIC virtual trout tank fry have lost their yolk and are swimming up to the surface of the tank. These important clues tell us that they are ready for food. Trout in the Classroom fry eat fish food called meal and crumbles. They are made from cuttings from seafood harvested for consumption.…
Rep Your Water hopes to create more advocates for conservation
PANIC. A word and feeling we’ve all become too familiar with this year. Rep Your Water, a dedicated TU Business Member, felt that to the extreme during the early days of the pandemic. Cancelled orders from fly shops were flooding in, concerns about retaining its employees kept Corinne and Garrison Doctor (RYW’s owners) up at…
Our failure to remember affects salmon and steelhead conservation
'The best run in years' doesn't mean things are getting better overall We’ve all heard stories from our grandparents of unbelievable abundance and sizes in their fishing forays — the salmon so numerous it boggled the mind, and those Lahontan cutthroat trout so big you couldn't wrap your arms around them. Yet even with these anecdotes it’s still hard to internalize just how different our experience…
Battenkill Home Rivers Initiative hits the ground running
By Jacob Fetterman In the first official year of Trout Unlimited’s Battenkill Home Rivers Initiative, we are thrilled to have completed two restoration projects and one reconnection project within the watershed. The projects to enhance cold-water and spawning habitat took place on three tributaries — Camden Creek, Juniper Swamp Brook, and Coulter Brook — all supporting native brook trout. …
TU applauds new Klamath River agreement
Trout Unlimited lauded the Memorandum of Agreement released today by the states of California and Oregon, the Yurok and Karuk Tribes, PacifiCorp (a subsidiary of Berkshire Hathaway Energy), and Klamath River Renewal Corporation. With the agreement, the two states and Berkshire Hathaway-owned PacifiCorp agreed to provide additional resources and support for dam removal through the…
How to stay safe while fishing in the winter
This time of the year is a great time to be out chasing trout. Winter doesn’t have to get in the way of that
A year ago or so, here in eastern Idaho and on the rivers of Yellowstone Country, it was brutally cold. I remember one night, I huddled next to the fire inside while, outside, the mercury bottomed out at minus-22 degrees. It was a bit early to be seeing such cold weather, but if you’re going…
Pebble’s new mitigation plan remains hidden from the public
This week, backers of the proposed Pebble Mine project in the world’s most prolific wild salmon region submitted a new compensatory mitigation plan to permit reviewers at the Army Corps of Engineers to determine if the plan would meet Clean Water Act standards. The plan has still not been shared with the public, likely because…