The amazing trout gender reveal
The alevin at the trailside museum are looking great! How can we tell the males from the females?
Also known as sexual dimorphism — luckily no forest fire risk with this reveal The alevin are looking great and we only need about 291 more names. But, "Are they males or females?" asks Elanor the Animal Expert (age 7) from The Bronx. Thanks for the great question, Elanor. While "gender reveal parties" are the…
Instagram Live with commercial fisherman Steve Kurian from Pride of Bristol Bay
Join me and Steve Kurian from Pride of Bristol Bay and Wild for Salmon on Instagram Live @troutunlimited at 4 PM EST on Wednesday November 4, 2020.
In southwest Alaska, rivers, lakes and wetlands combine to provide some of the best wild salmon habitat on earth. An hour and a-half flight from Anchorage, the Bristol Bay watershed, an area roughly the size of West Virginia, is nestled between two national parks (Katmai and Lake Clark), and the nation's largest state park. The area hosts…
Fishing with Grizzly Skins of Alaska is a real Alaskan experience
One of the greatest things that comes with working for Trout Unlimited is meeting truly remarkable people. Phil Shoemaker and Rochelle “Rocky” Harrison and their family may be among the most remarkable. They run Grizzly Skins of Alaska from their privately owned homestead within a federally designated wilderness in the heart of the Becharof National…
Tongass Roadless Rule repeal makes no sense
By Austin Williams This week, the U.S. Forest Service announced it is exempting the Tongass National Forest from the Roadless Rule, and in the process removing protections for more than 9 million acres of the nation’s top salmon-producing forest. This is the latest effort by politicians catering to a failing old-growth logging industry that refuses…
Habitat connectivity helps trout take care of themselves
If we do our part to remove migration obstacles from rivers and streams, the fish will take care of the rest. The benefits could be immeasurable.
By Brian Hodge In our work at Trout Unlimited, we often rely on scientific theory to plan and implement conservation projects. In some instances, we also test hypotheses by monitoring projects and comparing predictions with outcomes, and in doing so contribute towards the broader body of scientific theory. For TU and our local agency partners, the…
Conservation victories make not fishing tolerable
Fall fishing is typically one of my favorite times to be on the water. The crowds shrink, the colors pop and the trout eat. But this fall, I’m spending more time recovering on the couch than under the cottonwoods with some meat tied to the end of my line. Recovery from my third surgery this year is going…
Faces of Restoration: Brett Carlson restores Wyoming
TU works with some extremely talented characters while developing and completing projects in the field that help make fishing better. We are excited to bring you a series highlighting these Contractors. We hire equipment operators, truck drivers, laborers, material suppliers, engineers, technicians, and water testing labs. They are unique, talented, humble and some are downright wild, but TU’s Contractors are a…