Trout Egg Catastrophe: Do you think they are safer in the nest basket or in a redd?
On Tuesday morning we found that one next basket holding our trout eggs had come apart, and some trout eggs fell to the bottom of the tank. Although they seem to be fine, we are not sure if we should get them back into the nest basket or leave them. Trout eggs should not be…
A day on Yellowstone’s storied Firehole River
The Firehole River above Firehole Falls was once a fishless ribbon of water sourced largely from hot springs, geysers and primordial seeps that pushed to the surface from the bowels of the planet.
Words by Chris Hunt, photos by Sam Davidson and Chris Hunt Two centuries ago, before European-Americans pushed west and started displacing indigenous people and indigenous wildlife, the rivers and streams of the Rockies teamed with trout, char, whitefish and grayling. Sam Davidson drifts a nymph through a fishy run on the upper Firehole River. But…
TU’s Science Week shares how we work smarter for conservation
Trout Unlimited is proud to announce our first TU Science Week starting Monday, Oct. 19. Join us for five days of social media postings including daily Instagram Live events (@troutunlimited), stories explaining various ways science is incorporated into the conservation and policy work we do and two science-themed film debuts produced by our own Josh…
Damsel Fly Fishing brings women to fly fishing fun
Kara Tripp and Lynae Axelson are sisters from Montana, and they are the straight-up real deal. I met these two several years back at a fly fishing show in Denver, and they became one of the first TU Business members focused entirely on creating great fly fishing experiences and gear especially for women. Kara is…
Creek serves as a fun classroom for kids in Michigan
By Jamie Vaughan Parkside Elementary teacher Tara Dzirbowicz is taking learning from the classroom to the creek this fall as many educators look to the outdoors amidst the COVID-19 pandemic. With the help of local Trout Unlimited staff, fifth-grade students from the Rockford, Mich., school recently traded in their sneakers for waders and explored Rum…
Vote for Utah’s hunting and fishing heritage
By Andy Rasmussen In 1777, a dozen years before the signing of the U.S. Constitution, Vermont passed the first state constitutional provision providing for the right to hunt and fish. Since 1996, over 20 other states, many in the West, have adopted similar amendments. These amendments protect sporting and outdoor traditions as a valued part of the region’s heritage and economy and preserve them in…
The wait is over, as trout eggs arrive at virtual TIC tank
Trout eggs have arrived at Trailside Museum!
Our new trout eggs made it safely to the Trailside Museum at Ward Pound Ridge Reservation. Help us welcome them to the tank! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_8aKOaA_D2E&feature=youtu.be Trout eggs need to acclimate to the tank before being poured into their nest basket. Here they will hatch, grow, and develop for the next six weeks. Soon after fertilization, trout…