Instagram Live with Nate Stevane from Trout on the Fly in Bozeman, MT
OK, show of hands: Who knows Nate Stevane? If you don’t, you should. Everyone knows that you can’t swing a dead cat in Montana and not hit a fishing outfitter. But not everyone knows Nate Stevane from Trout on the Fly in Bozeman, MT. I do, and if you fly fish you should, too. Nate…
SweetWater Brewing Company is a sweet TU Business Member
Beer and fishing. They go together like lines and leaders. As every beer drinker knows, not all beers are the same. And not all brewers are the same. SweetWater Brewing Company in Atlanta, GA has made fly fishing and fly anglers the focus of their business. They’ve been a great TU Business member and a…
Use dubbing to make a solid base
Certain materials, when tied to a hook shank, just don't take well to being secured with thread. The lack of friction between the material and the metal of the shank makes it very easy for some tying materials to spin, even after multiple wraps and efforts to tightly bound them to the shank. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2hV1KNILIhM Above,…
Where hope lives: lessons from a limber pine
Editor's note: This piece first appeared in the Summer 2020 print edition of TROUT Magazine. To subscribe to TROUT, simply join Trout Unlimited. The current of the pessimist’s river is strong and dangerous, swift and life-taking. It drowns those who enter its waters, for they do not swim, they bob along, float with it for…
TU Business Member SweetWater Brewing Company
Beer and fishing. They go together like lines and leaders. As every beer drinker knows, not all beers are the same. And not all brewers are the same. SweetWater Brewing Company in Atlanta, GA has made fly fishing and fly anglers the focus of their business. They’ve been a great TU Business member, a tremendous…
Do it for the fish that made a river famous
If the determining factor in the effort to save the native Yellowstone cutthroat trout of Idaho’s South Fork of the Snake River is how hard cutthroats fight at the end of a leader … well, then, the fight is already lost. The perception that introduced rainbows—spawned from mongrel strains engineered in hatcheries over decades—offer anglers…
Chris Wood cheers Bristol Bay news: Ding dong, the witch is down (but out?)
Pebble mine is on the ropes in Alaska, but the work goes on to protect Bristol Bay once and for all The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers “finds that the project, as currently proposed, cannot be permitted under section 404 of the Clean Water Act.” With those words earlier this week, the prospects for the development of Pebble mine suffered…