Proposed Pebble Mine project cannot be permitted in Bristol Bay
This week, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers announced that it found the proposed Pebble mine would cause significant degradation to the Bristol Bay region and cannot not receive its key federal permit. “This is a good day for Bristol Bay,” said Nelli Williams, Alaska director of Trout Unlimited. “No corner should be cut when considering a…
Proposed Pebble mine sent back to the drawing board, sporting community applauds finding
Today, in a move welcomed by thousands of American workers, Alaskan communities, and the most prolific wild salmon fishery in the world, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (Corps) said it found the proposed Pebble mine would likely cause significant degradation and significant adverse effects to the waters and fisheries of Bristol Bay, and cannot receive a permit under the Clean Water Act as proposed, creating a significant barrier to the project moving forward.
The Fly Fishing Film Tour goes virtual on Aug. 27
The annual Fly Fishing Film Tour was forced to hit "pause" earlier this spring thanks to the COVID-19 pandemic, but, as they say, "The show must go on." After months of deliberations, the film tour's organizers are moving forward with the 2020 F3T, albeit in a virtual fashion. Consumers can purchase tickets to the Fly…
Peter Vandergrift dishes on fly fishing, conservation and teamwork
One of the best things about working in the fly-fishing world is that you get to work with some truly great people. These are people committed to conservation and to bringing a diverse array of people into fly-fishing. They could probably be making a lot more money doing something else, but they make a conscious…
Don’t ‘dis’ the whitefish that swim next to the trout we love
There’s trout water, and then there’s trout water that also holds mountain whitefish. The latter is likely healthier. Whitefish (Prosopium williamsoni) are often greeted by anglers with the same enthusiasm they might afford a creek chub or a sucker. The slightly downturned snout may not be as appealing as the maw of a wild brown…
Terrestrial bugs offer great dry-fly fishing on small creeks
Late summer and early fall offer some of the season's best dry-fly fishing on small creeks in the east. This isn't hatch-matching fishing. It's terrestrial season
Most years, Virginia’s small mountain trout streams have become unfishable trickles by August. This year has been a bit different. Massive rains in May and June meant the streams were in great shape heading into summer’s peak, which was a good thing because July brought record heat and a strange lack of the almost-daily thunderstorms…
Watch TU live on Instagram with Peter Vandergrift from Cheeky, Wingo
If you know fly-fishing, you probably know Peter Vandergrift. And if you know Peter, you know that he knows fly-fishing. He has a long and diverse history in the fishing industry. He began guiding at 19 in Alaska in the shadow of the proposed Pebble Mine. He went on to guide and outfit in Montana…