J. Stockard Fly Fishing is the go-to place for fly tying
J. Stockard wants to be your primary source of fly tying products, with a combination of the best product selection, competitive prices & great customer service.
A friend told me a while back that he was tired of buying flies and that he planned to save a bundle by tying his own. When I recovered from the giggling fit that was the substance of my response to that notion, I told him to check out our friends at J. Stockard Fly…
Trump Jr. says what anglers and hunters have been saying all along
The president's son tweets in opposition to Pebble Mine, noting the headwaters of Bristol Bay are too fragile to risk On Tuesday, the president signed the Great American Outdoors Act into law. This law, widely supported and celebrated by anglers and hunters across the country, will provide important funding for stewardship projects on public lands and will help tackle the maintenance backlog on trails, roads and…
Desert rainbows
On a map, it doesn’t look all that far. A quick jaunt up the freeway. A race across a sea of potato fields and a good section of the Idaho National Laboratory, where plans are in place to build a dozen modular nuclear reactors to help power some 36 western communities starting in less than…
British Columbia mining along the transboundary rivers of Southeast Alaska
As the locals are busy preparing and repairing our nets, tying flies, climbing mountains, harvesting berries and smoking our salmon; the vibration of salmon season can be felt throughout Southeast Alaska. In the Southeast Alaska region, the Taku, Stikine, and Unuk Rivers form the backbone of the salmon culture. All are un-dammed, largely pristine and…
Great American Outdoors Act signed in to law
Gratitude: To advocates who have worked tirelessly to fully and permanently authorize and fund the Land and Water Conservation Act. Thank you. To the agencies and organizations who have spoken up for the need to fund the maintenance backlog on our public lands. Thank you. https://vimeo.com/443174737/8941524e65 To the members of Congress - Democrats and Republicans…
Arizona’s Jim Strogen awarded for conservation and education work
Trout Unlimited wouldn’t be what it is today without its amazing network of volunteers. We celebrate them every day, and occasionally outside organizations recognize their dedication as well. That is the case with Arizona’s Jim Strogen, who sits on the public policy and conservation committees of the Arizona TU State Council and serves as the education and conservation chair for his local chapter,…
Hiking the CDT: Slogging through the Bob and the first fish
Editor’s Note: The Strawbridge family from Lakeland, Fla., is hiking the length of the Continental Divide Trail – all 3,100 miles of it – from Canada to Mexico. Henry Strawbridge, 14, will be providing updates of their journey to Trout Unlimited as they pass through the historic range of seven native trout species. You can track the…