Trout Magazine

  • Conservation Featured Government Affairs

    Critical document release confirms the damage Pebble will bring to Bristol Bay

    On Thursday, July 23, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers released a critical document in the permit application review process for the proposed Pebble mine: the final Environmental Impact Statement (FEIS). The FEIS shows more than 191 miles of streams and 4,614 acres of wetlands would be impacted if phase one of the proposed Pebble mine advances, with 185 miles…

  • Voices from the river Featured

    Summer is for sun(fish)

    Before trout came bluegills.Not in a biological evolutionary way, but for me in a fly fishing evolutionary way.I grew up in trout country in Southern Oregon but wasn’t a fly angler. My trout rod was a little Eagle Claw ultralight spinning rig, my tackle box full of Pautzke Balls O’ Fire Salmon eggs, Velveeta cheese,…

  • Voices from the river

    Drought and trout

    There are many demands on water, especially in the West. Municipal water for drinking and other human uses, agricultural water to grow our food, recreational water to keep a thriving outdoor recreation industry afloat and numerous others. And all are important for the economy and our lives and livelihoods, but in the West, it is clear there is not enough to go…

  • Fishing TROUT Magazine Trout Tips

    Fishing a two-fly rig downstream

    Fishing two-fly rigs downstream is a great way to pull trout from under rocks and structure

    By Jim Strogen As a wet fly fisher, I love to dance my nymphs, Woolly Buggers and leeches downstream in front of rocks and log jams. This strategy surprises many of my friends. They worry about being visible to the fish, and stirring up the creek as they approach a hole. In the small streams…

  • Community Fishing Fly tying

    One fly to rule them all

    Hatch Outdoors is offering three great prize packs in the #OneFlyFitsAll contest.

    Hatch Outdoors is running a contest through the end of the week (July 31) featuring the venerable Clouser Minnow and photos of all the fish it catches. The idea is simple: go fishing, use a chartreuse-and-white Clouser, post the photos of the fish the fly helps you catch on either Facebook or Instagram (#oneflyfitsall), and…

  • Community Gear reviews TU Business

    Douglas Outdoors: Born on the Salmon River

    The Salmon River in upstate New York offers anglers world class multi-species fly fishing opportunities, and Pulaski, N.Y., is the epicenter of this legendary fishing destination.  The Barclay family has lived on this river since 1806, and they have a special connection to their home water. For Douglas Outdoors founder David Barclay, growing up on the Salmon River instilled a deep…