Trout Magazine

  • Fly tying Featured Trout Tips

    Building a better ‘Bugger

    Tim Flagler ties up his version of a 'better 'bugger' using weighted wire and a tougher construction

    The Woolly Bugger might be the most-tied fly on the planet — for many of us, it was the first fly we ever tied. There's a reason for that, of course. It's among the easiest patterns to master, and, no matter how many times some creative vise-wizard comes up with the next great streamer pattern,…

  • Community

    Latino Conservation Week encourages participation in conservation

    Latino Conservation Week (LCW) began in 2014 as an initiative of Hispanic Access Foundation, to support the Latino community getting into the outdoors and participating in activities to protect our natural resources. During this week, community, nonprofit and for-profit, faith-based and government organizations and agencies hold events throughout the country. From hiking and camping to community roundtables and…

  • From the field Conservation Featured

    Faces of Restoration: Mike Tezak Construction

    TU works with some extremely talented characters while developing and completing projects in the field that help make fishing better. We are excited to bring you a series highlighting these Contractors. We hire equipment operators, truck drivers, laborers, material suppliers, engineers, technicians, and water testing labs. They are unique, talented, humble and some are downright wild, but TU’s Contractors are a…

  • Community Advocacy Conservation Featured Voices from the river

    Looking for America

    A drive deep into the West can heal the soul and freshen commitment to causes

    The original plan was to drive east to meet my wife’s family in North Carolina. The time away from her mother, sisters and Gus’ cousins had been torture, but every state along our route was preparing to open up while the virus was still out of control. As we saw it, forcing customers and employees…

  • Gear reviews Fishing


    Until now, no phone or tablet app was particularly useful in locating trout streams and finding public access to them.  Enter “TroutRoutes,” an app that maps trout streams in Colorado, Minnesota, Iowa, Wisconsin, South Dakota, Nebraska and North Dakota.  Montana, Wyoming and Michigan are on the way.   The app claims that there are over 4,000 streams shown…

  • Community Featured Voices from the river Women

    From Brooklyn to Asheville

    The road that led me to quit my job and fly fish in North Carolina that summer was as twisty as the Blue Ridge Parkway itself. But after seven cancer surgeries and radiation, multiplied with the strain of a big job in a big city, the cracks began to show

    Editor's note: In 2016, Danielle Arceneaux, a black professional woman from Brooklyn, quit her job and moved full-time to Asheville, N.C., in part to pursue fly fishing. This is the first installment in a series of blog posts that will describe Danielle's experience on the water in Asheville. By Danielle Arceneaux The road that led…