An introspection about working with water and trout
By Andy Rasmussen I learned in school that rivers are the lifeblood of nature and civilization. Draining entire continents in their meandering course, the great river systems deliver lifegiving water and commerce to much of the earth’s surface. And as fishers we know that “eventually, all things merge into one, and a river runs through it.” On…
Wet wading season arrives
A great day for a double feature.
As I stepped into the rushing water, the cold instantly filled my wading boots and flooded over my calves. The crystal-clear water rushed up to the bases of trees and shrubs and hid most of the rocks I know in this stretch of river. With that, the typical lies of the high mountain brook trout were also obscured,…
Post your #ResponsibleRecreation content soon
Practice #ResponsibleRecreation, win a fly rod
Trout Unlimited is giving away a new Sage X fly rod to one lucky angler who shares his or her #ResponsibleRecreation content on social media, using both the hashtag and by tagging TU (@troutunlimited). Entries for the give-away must be posted by Monday, June 15. While many states have "reopened," the COVID-19 outbreak is still…
Russian River coho and steelhead conservation update
The Russian River watershed, north of San Francisco, is the focus of an intensive, multi-year effort to recover coho salmon – now one of the rarest native fish species in California. TU is playing a lead role in this effort through the Russian River Coho Water Resources Partnership. The focus of the Partnership is boosting…
Trout Unlimited’s Climate Change Roadmap
By Brian Wagner Considering the existential threat to mankind imposed by the climate crisis, I am sometimes a bit sheepish discussing climate change in terms of the impacts to our salmonids. But, we are Trout Unlimited and our mission is to protect our fishy friends we occasionally like to say hello to on the end…
Brown and grizzly hackle mix
Sometimes, when I'm watching Tim Flagler tie flies, I get the feeling he's speaking directly to me. He knows where more casual tiers — like me — are going to be tempted to cut some corners in the tying process, and he's quick to point out that there's usually no substitute for doing things correctly.…
Simms Flyweight wading shoes
A great shoe for wading wet in small streams
A great option for backcountry anglers who might walk miles to get to the water Backcountry trout fishing here in the West is so close I can smell it — the scent of sweet stream-side willows wafting through the open screen of a tent pitched under lodgepole pines might be my favorite olfactory trigger. It…