Trout Magazine

  • Youth

    Take a virtual field trip with Trout Unlimited

    "Our field trips were mainly designed for our local students, with a mix of locations and lessons for students between 2nd and 5th grade. In this challenging time, we know all of us can appreciate some beautiful scenery around our Central Oregon streams and rivers, and the soothing sights and sounds that come from experiences in nature."

    When COVID-19 shut down schools educators found other ways to help students experience the river About a decade ago Trout Unlimited launched a youth educational program in the Deschutes Basin of Oregon to build awareness of the importance of water and the health of rivers. The focus has been on key tributaries and sections of…

  • Featured

    Public land funding up for a crucial vote

    Take action This week the United States Senate will consider the S. 3422, the Great American Outdoors Act, which includes provisions to provide full, dedicated funding for the Land and Water Conservation Fund (LWCF) and also provide $9.5 billion in funding to address the deferred maintenance backlog on public lands. Sponsored by Sen. Cory Gardner (R-CO), the legislation…

  • Voices from the river

    Stranded in grizzly country

    A muddy road in a forest.

    It pays to be prepared, even when you're just out for a casual drive We’d walked well over a mile down the lonely Forest Service road, well out of the way from the Island Park bustle. The sun was retreating and the mosquitoes had discovered us. And we had a long way to go. Mostly,…

  • Community Conservation Featured Science

    Trout Unlimited activates ‘tree army’ in Michigan

    By Jamie Vaughan With planting bags slung over their shoulders, gloves and a specialized tree planting tool called a "hoedad" in hand, the Rogue River Tree Army descended toward the river. In just three weeks, 16,000 newly planted trees took root in their new home, providing immediate benefits to the Rogue River watershed that will only increase with time.  This large-scale tree planting initiative was conceived by Trout Unlimited in 2017 and came to fruition this spring thanks…