Making tough casts for big fish
Bigger fish will often lie in hard-to-reach habitat.
By Jim Strogen There are some spots that I know must hold a trout, that I won’t cast to and risk losing my fly. Instead, I just tip my hat to the fish for picking that lie and move on to the next hole. That doesn’t happen too often, and I tend to lose my…
TU leaders join AFFTA’s Conservation from the Couch
Trout Unlimited President and CEO Chris Wood will join Keith Curley and Rob Masonis, TU's vice presidents for eastern and western conservation, respectively, this week when they all "sit down" for the American Fly Fishing Trade Association's Conservation on the Couch series. The webcast is Thursday at 8 p.m. ET, and viewers can register to…
Instagram Live with Chris Michael from Rio Grande del Norte Outfitters
Remember these words: Questa, New Mexico. You must fish here.
Remember these words: Questa, New Mexico. You heard it first here. Well, maybe not. If you saw the gorgeous photo essay by my friends Josh Duplechian and Toner Mitchell in the winter issue of TROUT magazine, maybe you heard it first there. Or maybe you saw the film “Querencia” - perhaps the most beautiful film…
Instagram Live with Joe Demalderis from Cross Current Guide Service
One of the greatest things about fly fishing is meeting great people. And one of the greatest is my friend Joe D., Captain Joe Demalderis from Cross Current Guide Service in Starlight, PA. Joe has been fly fishing since 1970. He’s been fishing the Delaware River since the mid-1970s and has been an Orvis Endorsed…
Fishing with Riverside Anglers in West Yellowstone, Mont.
Alice Owsley is a hard-working guide who has learned what it takes to make a great day on the water.
In the same boat What we do as fly anglers — what Trout Unlimited does as an organization - affects millions of others around the world. In a very real and very immediate sense, it affects our TU Business members. These members have supported us at every level of our organization from the local chapter…
The coronavirus may change fishing as we know it
Ironically, 2020 is “The Year of the Rat.” Given how 2020 has unfolded so far, I actually consider that to be an insult to rats. But we are seeing some lifting of the pandemic fog where I live in Colorado and in many other places around the country—and fishing definitely stands to be affected… for…
Barging increases likelihood of hatchery fish straying into wild steelhead populations
"To repeat the obvious, that means in 2006 an estimated 42 percent of the spawners in this “wild” population were hatchery fish. Statistical modeling indicated the number of steelhead smolts barged in the Snake River in the previous several years was a strong predictor of PHOS (Percent Hatchery Origin Spawners)."
There may be no more amazing feat in nature than migrations undertaken by salmon as they complete an epic journey from freshwater to the ocean and back upstream to their birthplace to spawn. In some cases, salmon swim more than 1,000 miles upstream to spawning waters. In this final freshwater phase of their trip, adults follow…