Trout Magazine

  • Science Conservation Featured

    Counting fish in your PJs

    Monitoring steelhead and salmon using sonar

    TU's Dean Finnerty checks on sonar equipment that counts fish moving up a southwest Oregon river.

    Collecting salmon and steelhead population data through the outbreak Trout Unlimited members can take comfort that, despite the dramatic upheaval in our human lives over the past few months, salmon and steelhead are unaffected by the coronavirus pandemic. Except, perhaps, by a big drop-off in angling pressure as many states close or restrict access to…

  • Science Featured

    New StoryMap highlights Tippy Dam project in Michigan

    Highlights of the important restoration work on the Manistee

    Trout Unlimited has produced an informative ArcGIS StoryMap highlighting an important 2019 restoration project on Michigan's Manistee River.TU, the Forest Service, Huron-Manistee National Forest and other partners completed Phase I of a multi-year project aimed to restore the severely eroded banks of the Manistee River below Tippy Dam in Wellston. The project site, known locally…

  • Voices from the river Featured

    The fishing lodge

    The greatest fishing tales are first told at the lodge

    The old dart board hangs from the split-log wall, inviting a game of 501. It’s just to the left of the bar, which rests in the shadow of a massive bull moose mount. The fireplace crackles nicely, spitting flames up the rock chimney and spreading the aroma of seasoned spruce throughout the lodge. It mingles…

  • Trout Tips Featured

    Atherton No. 2 Nymph

    Tying the Atherton No. 2 Nymph

    Tying the Atherton No. 2 Nymph

    Well-known fly pattern creator John Atherton wasn't much for literal imitation when it came to tying his flies. Instead, he was the discipline's answer to impressionist painters—nothing looks exactly right in an Atherton creation, but nothing looks too out of place, either. Thankfully, trout often seem to look at flies the same we tend to…

  • Voices from the river Featured

    Chama 2.0

    Big browns can live in the Chama thanks to restoration work

    A restored channel below Abiquiu Dam reinvents a New Mexico trout stream In the first "Rocky" movie, the title character dreams of being a prizefighter, yet understands that he will never rise above being a heart-of-gold jaw breaker for a small-time Philadelphia mobster. The Rio Chama below Abiquiu dam can relate; like Rocky Balboa, Abiquiu’s flood control and water storage day job is far from sexy. During irrigation…

  • Community

    Fish need water — people need jobs

    By Justin Bezold In much of the arid western United States the scarcity of resources, especially water, creates a competition that often pits would-be-friends against each other. In central Washington’s Yakima Basin that narrative is changing as Trout Unlimited’s Yakima team and the Kittitas Reclamation District’s (KRD) secretary-manager, Urban Eberhart, work with other Yakima Basin…

  • Conservation Featured steelhead

    We need you: Lower Snake plan won’t return our fish

    The new DEIS for the Snake River won't restore salmon

    [et_pb_section admin_label="section"][et_pb_row admin_label="row"][et_pb_column type="4_4"][et_pb_text admin_label="Text"] Comment on the DEIS Alert your elected officials Since reading thousands of pages of a draft Environmental Impact Statement is likely not on your list of activities to do while self isolating, we're going just to cut to the chase: If you want salmon and steelhead to return to the…