Trout Magazine

  • From the field

    Good outcomes from field season

    Monarch Pass in the distance.

    By Jason Willis It seemed like a good time to shed light on some positives from the 2019 field season as we deal with the trying times currently enveloping our country. Here is a brief history, summary and outcome of the successful Monarch Pass Gravel Mine project.  The U.S. Forest Service’s Salida Ranger District released…

  • We are TU: Meet Cory Golden

    We care about clean water, healthy fisheries and vibrant communities. We roll up our sleeves to volunteer, we sit on our boards, and we strategize as members and leaders of staff. We want you to join us.     Thanks to initiatives such as TU’s decades-old Women’s Initiative – now Diversity and Inclusion Initiative – and those of our partners, new groups…

  • Meetings on Lower Snake Dams available via teleconference

    If you are interested in weighing in on the recently released draft environmental impact statement regarding the Lower Snake and Columbia River dams, you can do so via telephone: –Days: March 18, 19, 25, 26, 31–Times: 4 p.m. to 8 p.m. PT–Toll-free: 844-721-7241–International: 409-207-6955–Access Code: 5998146# You may also provide comments online by April 13.…

  • Conservation Featured Science

    Snake River salmon: Let’s give credit where credit is due

    Last week Rep. Mike Simpson (R-ID) turned up the volume on the issue of recovering Snake River salmon and steelhead.   Not that the issue wasn’t front and center for him before. He has been battling to find ways to bring back Idaho’s dwindling salmon and steelhead populations for years.  Rep. Mike Simpson, R-Idaho But now that a long-anticipated Draft Environmental Impact Statement has outlined a “business as usual” approach – indeed,…

  • Fishing Featured

    When overdoing it is a good thing

    Clouser minnows

    Tying flies through the outbreak Like a lot of anglers who endeavor to tie their own flies, either out of economic necessity or simple hubris, I tend to overdo it sometimes.  I was scheduled to take a trip at the end of the month to the marshes and beaches of south Alabama (yes … check…