Redington Prowler Pro wading boots
Over the past few years, Redington has boldly reinvented itself. What used to be a budget fly-fishing equipment manufacturer is now a quality-based company that produces good equipment for anglers of all stripes for prices that are sometimes significantly lower than their competitors. But let's be clear. Nobody is going to mistake Redington's soft-good equipment…
The Michigan Arctic grayling
Grayling are a tough fish to reintroduce to former habitat. For a long time, it was assumed that once the sailfish of the north winked out of a certain watershed, they were gone for good. Over the last 20 years, though, grayling reintroduction in Montana has shown promise. And, in just the last five years,…
Still on top
Efforts to fix habitat are as much for people as they are for the planet It’s legislature season in New Mexico, a time I’ve come to abhor for how it represents my species and, perhaps more likely, my deficiencies as a chess player. Sausage making is a circus, spectacular flights of ethical and logical acrobatics…
A tribute to Jim Gracie, one of Maryland’s best
By Steve Moyer Our Trout Unlimited family lost one of its finest leaders with the passing of Maryland’s Jim Gracie on Feb. 20 in Annapolis. Jim will long be remembered and appreciated for his outstanding volunteer leadership, having served in virtually every major volunteer role, from TU chapter president to president of TU’s national Board. Jim’s home area of Baltimore and surrounding Maryland environs might seem like an unlikely place…
Newsletter highlights New York’s productive 2019
Trout Unlimited had a productive year in New York in 2019. Some of the major accomplishments in the state, by both TU staff and a large group of dedicated TU members/volunteers, are highlighted in a new newsletter. A PDF can be downloaded HERE or a Word document (with live links) can be downloaded HERE. The…
Cameron donned the headphones in the co-pilot’s seat, the splendor of McGavock Lake spread out before him through the windows of the DeHavilland Beaver. He had a little spring in his step that morning as he jog-walked his way down to the dock where the Beaver floated on the calm boreal lake that, for most…
Missouri launches Blue Ribbon Trout Slam
By Kyle Pokorny Anglers creating a list of states to fly fish for wild rainbow trout on pristine streams will not likely consider Missouri as a worthy candidate. However, you would be remiss to leave Missouri off the list entirely. The state of Missouri has within its borders nine Blue Ribbon streams that are home…