High school fishing tournament opens new doors in central Massachusetts
As a staff member in the TU Headwaters Youth program, I have an insider’s perspective on just how hard our chapters work to get young people involved in TU. This involvement may take the shape of a fly- tying workshop or a visit to a TIC classroom, possibly even a full day of Fly Fishing…
Last Cast Lodge to host 12th annual Bristol Bay Fly Fishing and Guide Academy
Trout Unlimited Alaska is excited to announce that Last Cast Lodge in Igiugig (AK) will host the 12th annual Bristol Bay Fly Fishing and Guide Academy from June 5-13, 2020. The Bristol Bay Fly Fishing and Guide Academy is a week-long, professional training program intended to bring local youth from Southwest Alaska in to the robust and growing recreational fishing…
Spawning brookies in Moosehead Lake offer hope in the face of challenges
The headline was an attention grabber, and the story went viral almost instantly: “Monster Brook Trout Are Spawning on Moosehead Lake’s Shore.” Based on my Facebook feed about half of my angling acquaintances immediately made plans for winter ice fishing or shoreline trolling right after ice out next May. Maine’s Moosehead Lake is legendary. The largest…
Skate punks and disc golf
In praise of urban trout streams The thought occurred to me while I was fishing under the Highway 20 bridge over the lower Yuba River in California’s Gold Country. To reach the water I had crossed a floodplain so altered by quarrying, mining and off-road vehicles that it more resembled a moonscape than a functional…
Big water, big fish, big fun at Tailwater Lodge
Pop quiz: OK, grab a map and point to Altmar, N.Y. That’s what I thought. I couldn’t do it either. But people who know fishing in upstate New York can do it in (forgive me) a New York minute. The Salmon River in Altmar is one of the greatest salmon and steelhead fishing destinations in…
TU building Technical Assistance Program in New Hampshire
By Joel DeStasio Trout Unlimited continues to build upon our successful series of community flood resiliency workshops in New Hampshire, engaging local decision-makers, such as Selectboard, Department of Public Works and Conservation Commission members, on identifying and restoring critical infrastructure. During this recent series of workshops, TU successfully worked with an additional 23 communities across the Granite State, increasing awareness of infrastructure risk and vulnerability while at the same time educating stakeholders on how to…
TU improving habitat in New Hampshire’s Lakes Region
By Joel DeStasio During the 2019 summer field season, Trout Unlimited field staff completed strategic wood addition habitat restoration work on Gunstock River and its unnamed tributary in Gilford, N.H. This project was initiated by the Belknap County Conservation District with the assistance of grants provided by The New Hampshire Association of Conservation Districts and the New Hampshire Conservation…