House passes public lands bill, conserves key habitat and famous fisheries in California
The Protecting America’s Wilderness Act promotes protection and restoration of public lands and waters, wildfire risk reduction, and fishing and hunting opportunities in five national forests in California. This week, the House of Representatives passed the Protecting America’s Wilderness Act. This legislation includes three bills that Trout Unlimited has worked for years with our local…
A Game of Taboo: mining edition
You may be familiar with the game Taboo. If not, here's a primer: players take turns drawing cards and trying to get their teammates to say the word on the card by describing what it is without saying that word or a few keywords related to it. I want to share some information about the…
Ode to the stocker
It was a cold, rainy day in April in the southern suburbs of Denver. I looked out my bedroom window, anxiously hoping the spring squall would go away. I’ll never forget my mother coming downstairs with the bad news. I was dressed and ready to go. Fishing shirt. Blue jeans. Old sneakers. I had a…
Seth Green chapter seeking to restore a paradise lost
By Cal Curtice "This is probably the last generation of trout fishers." — Forest and Stream Magazine 1879 In 1620, virgin forest covered the United States from the tip of northern Maine, south to central Florida, and west beyond the Mississippi River. Native brook trout swam throughout their cool, clean waters, including those in the Finger…
Newsletter highlights successes in Great Lakes region
Trout Unlimited continues to increase its efforts in the Great Lakes region. The past year saw a wide range of success across the “Protect, Reconnect, Restore and Sustain” components of our mission. Projects included habitat restoration of more than 17 miles of high-priority coldwater streams and improving/replacing several barriers to fish passage to open additional…
Great Lakes 0220 newsletter PDF
Saving Bristol Bay one bag of coffee at a time
It might be fair to say that Alaskans love coffee as much as we love our wild salmon. Coffee helps us get through the long, dark winters, and it powers our fast-paced and adventure-filled summer days. For the Trout Unlimited staff based in Anchorage, coffee is an everyday requirement, and we know that without it, our efforts to protect…