With bi-partisan support, GLRI Act flies through House
On Feb. 5 the United States House of Representatives passed HR 4031, the Great Lakes Restoration Initiative (GLRI) Act. This bill seeks to increase the GLRI funding back to its original levels of $475 million. The bill had support from 50 bi-partisan co-sponsors and passed 373-45. Additionally, 15 Representatives spoke in support of the bill. They…
Warm winter days are nice — when they are rare
By Mark Taylor I probably shouldn’t have been surprised. The first truck was parked just past the “Special Regulations Trout Water” sign. A few hundred yards farther up the gravel Forest Service road I met an SUV coming my way. Two friends from my local Trout Unlimited chapter were in it. We rolled down our…
Of chukar and steelhead in the Snake River country
By Michael Gibson Nothing clears the mind like a good chukar hike. So, when the boss called for a work/chukar retreat in lower Snake River Country, I got excited. Late-season chukar in some of the best, and most rugged, chukar country the planet has to offer. About now, you are probably wondering, what’s this got to do with fish? We’ll get…
It’s time to tell President Trump
For nearly a decade, Trout Unlimited has been a leader in the fight to stop the proposed Pebble mine from ruining Bristol Bay. Anglers, fishing businesses, and outdoorsmen and women from across the country have come out time and time again to oppose the mine, each time making it clear that the fishing paradise that is Bristol Bay is…
May they catch fish
Forward from the editor: Alaskans — you're invited to learn more about Nelli and other inspiring female anglers by watching the film, "No Excuses," in Anchorage on Feb. 12, or at the next Orvis 50/50 On the Water screening near you! Details here. By Nelli Williams Nine years ago, when I was quickly approaching motherhood…
Birding while fishing
Sometimes it's tough to fish when the scenery is so gorgeous One of my favorite parts about fishing is the spectacular places it takes you. From high mountain streams with peaks towering overhead to desert rivers with cliff walls reflecting the day’s heat, there are hardly any ugly places to fish. Sure, there are the occasional honey holes with a…
Functional streamflows key to recovering salmon and steelhead
California's Bay-Delta, where the Sacramento and San Joaquin Rivers converge to form the largest estuary on the West Coast, is the hub of both the state's water supply and the second largest runs of salmon and steelhead south of Alaska. The Bay-Delta is also the hub of the struggle over how to provide enough water…