Skating big dries for big trout
Nicco stood next to me along the middle reaches of Patagonia's Malleo River in the fading Argentine light. Willows shrouded the creek, and I could only see the silhouette of the big Fat Albert as it drifted in the heavy water just across river. Nicco, my guide for the day, chose the hefty, foam monstrosity…
Making a double spey cast
Spey casting is a growing discipline among fly fishers, even though the method has been employed for centuries. For many of us, though, spey casting is foreign and simply looks incredibly difficult. The long, two-handed rods appear unwieldy and complex. The graceful, yet foreign, motions of the spey cast don't feel at all intuitive. Yet,…
Central Coast Striped Bass Survey
By Tim Frahm California's central coast once produced a lot of wild steelhead. Steelhead were a staple food for the labor force that built some of the state's famed Spanish missions over 200 years ago. Today, however, central coastal steelhead are threatened. Trout Unlimited, through our Golden Gate and Steinbeck Country chapters, is working with…
Grassroots partnerships key trout wins in Wisconsin
By Chris Collier I think it’s fair to say that every person who gets involved with Trout Unlimited quickly learns that the organization has become what it is today because of its commitment to being a grassroots organization. This local-level focus leads to strong partnerships and a connection to projects important to communities and native…
Tying the Flash Mob
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fyzt1YeXtMo It’s starting to look a lot like winter up here in Northern Michigan. We’ve got snow, we’ve occasionally got rain and we haven’t seen the sun in weeks. The neighborhoods are lit up, the shop windows are beautifully displaying the latest and greatest and the steelhead are starting to get lazy. The folks at…
An ode to Doug Rohrer
By Rob Shane Doug Rohrer came into my life about a year and a half ago, on a Friday afternoon in June, on the side of a dirt road in the Poconos. I was on my way to Hancock, N.Y., for another weekend of fishing the Delaware River when I slammed on my brakes, threw…
Oregon Public Lands Bill Advances Through Senate Committee
Drift boaters celebrate successful passage through Mule Creek Canyon on the Rogue River. Photo by Kyle Smith Earlier today, Oregon Senators Ron Wyden and Jeff Merkley's bill to protect portions of public lands in the Molalla and Rogue River watersheds, as well as over 100,000 acres of the Kalmiopsis region in Southwest Oregon from mining…