Breaching Lower Snake dams could help water temps, say scientists
Ice Harbor Dam/U.S. Army Corps of Engineers photo by David Lewis We've talked a lot about the impact four dams on the Lower Snake River have on dwindling populations of salmon and steelhead as they migrate hundreds of miles to and from their natal streams in Idaho. But last week scientists highlighted one more data…
STREAM Kids family event, a model program
Students learn about the hidden, underwater world of macroinvertebrates during TU's Annual Meeting with Headwaters Youth Program Coordinator, Tara Granke. Each year since 2016, Trout Unlimited offers a family-friendly outdoor event at our Annual Meeting. It’s a nice change of scenery from the all-indoor conference center presentations. Don’t get me wrong, I love the hospitality…
Jeff Blood’s White Death
It's steelhead season, although here in the Northwest, most folks aren't nearly as excited about it as they used to be thanks to dismal fish returns in the Columbia River system—it's an unfortunate recurring theme for anglers in the region who are helplessly watching our prized ocean-going fish dwindle seemingly every season. But for those…
That guy…
We’ve all been there. It’s summer. We’re headed somewhere fishy and the sooner we get there, the sooner we can assemble the 4-weight and hit the water. We’ve squeezed a weekend’s worth of beer and grub into the back of the SUV, and we’re ready to stand knee-deep in a trout stream and wash away…
Road-stream crossing training draws a crowd in Wisconsin
By Chris Collier Following up on our road-stream crossing (RSX) tour last May, Trout Unlimited and our partners recently organized and hosted a two-day RSX Technical Workshop in Crandon, Wisc. The workshop was organized to teach tribes, town and county governments, road managers, and conservation professionals why existing RSX practices are harming fish populations by…
Community Advocacy Conservation Diversity Fishing Government Affairs Science steelhead TROUT Magazine Veterans Women Youth
State of Trout Unlimited, 2019
Redington Escape waders
First a disclaimer. If I don't have to wear waders, I won't. Simple as that. I'd rather wet-wade. But the weather doesn't always make standing in trout water up to your midsection a practical proposition. Fall, winter and spring in the northern Rockies demand some protection from the elements, and good waders provide that protection.…