Using your line hand while casting
Once you have the simple cast down—the pick-up-and-lay-down cast—it's time to start bringing your line hand into the equation. In the short video below, Orvis' Pete Kutzer shows us the proper method for holding the line while casting, including where your hand should be to avoid catching your line on your reel or the butt…
Bear Basin Adventures Redux
Once in a while, we all make mistakes. I make a lot of them. And I made one in the summer issue of TROUT. My friends Heath and Sarah Woltman kindly allowed me to use a photo taken by Pat Lang for a short piece in the Pocket Water section. I neglected to credit Pat…
Out of sight, out of mine?
An abandoned mine overlooks Lion Creek drainage near Empire, Colorado By Randy Scholfield We are bouncing along in four-wheel drive vehicles, high in the Clear Creek watershed west of Denver, overlooking beautiful forest vistas and steep hillsides laced with snowmelt creeks. We are here with a group of reporters to show them a dark secret…
STREAM Girls camp connects fly fishing and STEM
Trout Unlimited continues to get Michigan girls connected with their local streams through the lens of an angler, artist and scientist through STREAM Girls. TU’s STREAM Girls Program is about breaking down barriers and providing support in two male-dominated arenas: STEM-related careers and the sport of fly fishing. This national program is impacting significant numbers…
Girls learn about science and angling in Pennsylvania’s growing STREAM Girls program
Girl Scouts in Pennsylvania identify macroinvertebrates to determine water quality of a community stream. by Tara Granke The term “science lesson” may evoke visions of students running experiments with beakers, microscopes, and a professor in a lab coat. No longer is that the case. TU’s Headwaters Youth Program is all about intertwining informal lessons in STEM…
Thistles and cutthroat trout
With such abundant water throughout Southwest Colorado this year, invasive plants are thriving. While Canadian and musk thistle, mullen and even spotted knapweed provide gorgeous colors dotting the landscape, I can't help but cringe every time I see a field (or the edge of my driveway) lined with them. Mullen grows so tall it disrupts…
Interpretive sign on the Carmel River, spring 2019. It was while walking a seasonally-dry side channel of my local stream, the Carmel River, over the weekend that I started thinking about a guy from Michigan named John Rapanos. You should know this name, because this fellow—unintentionally, no doubt—could really put the hurt on your fishing.…