Trout Magazine

  • Partnerships

    Coldwater champions of the California legislature

    The California Salmon and Steelhead Coalition celebrates ten years, legislative leaders for coastal streams and water policy On February 26, Trout Unlimited and our partners in the California Salmon and Steelhead Coalition – The Nature Conservancy and California Trout – commemorated ten years of working together to protect and restore native salmon and steelhead on…

  • Fishing Trout Talk

    Tip – basic lake fishing tactics

    Check out these tips from Far Bank’s Simon Gawesworth to get started lake fishing.

    In many areas of the country, lakes are about to exhibit what many anglers refer to as “ice out”, as in melt. As they open up, lakes can be a great place to fish as the fish are typically hungry after a long winter, and they are often cruising around thanks to cold, clean water…

  • Dam Removal

    FERC plans sells Kennebec’s endangered Atlantic salmon short

    This week, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission released a Draft EIS affecting four hydroelectric dams on Maine’s Kennebec River. The FERC recommendations amount to incremental improvements over what is now a dire situation for Atlantic salmon in the Kennebec. We have tried the incremental approach before on rivers like the Connecticut, Merrimack, Saco, and Androscoggin.…

  • The True Cast Trout Talk

    The True Cast – Secret Spots

    The best “secret spot” story I can share involves a place (I still can’t say where, other than somewhere in southwestern Colorado) a good friend (D.)

    As a writer of fishing stories, one thing I wrestle with most is whether to divulge the places where the stories take place. That’s not a new dilemma. Legend has it that when Ernest Hemingway wrote about the “Big Two-Hearted River,” he wasn’t really writing about the actual Big Two-Hearted River. I admit to doing…

  • Restoration

    Reconnecting the Mettawee: Six dams down

    When it comes to long-term restoration projects, Erin Rodgers measures the passage of time not so much by clocks and calendars, but by kids. So it was when recently recounting a multi-year project on Vermont’s Mettawee River; Rodgers thought back to two big life moments to help her remember the project’s pace. “The Mettawee is…

  • Fishing Trout Talk

    Tip – River tactics

    Learn from one of the best, Simon Gawesworth, and his Far Bank Fly Fishing School. In this video, Simon walks us through the basics of river fly fishing. He covers how to approach the water, finding fish and how they behave. He also talks about gear, casts, mending the line and fishing with different flies.…