Congress seeks reauthorization, funding for GLRI
By Taylor Ridderbusch On Friday, both the House and Senate introduced bills to reauthorize and increase funding for the Great Lakes Restoration Initiative (GLRI). The identical bills would reauthorize the program for five more years and incrementally increase the funding level from $300 million to $475 million, which was the original funding level for the…
Making small talk
One of my co-workers always likes to start a conversation talking about the weather. Usually it happens in the dead of winter. He lives in Arizona. I live in Montana. "How's the winter?" he will ask. "Oh. Cold. Minus 20 yesterday. The same today." He'll laugh and I will huddle closer to the fire, waiting…
TU urges Tipton to improve REC Act
Colorado Congressman Scott Tipton is drafting a public lands bill to safeguard places sacred to sportsmen and women in qestern Colorado. Trout Unlimited is working closely with other members of Colorado’s elected delegation on the CORE Act to provide protections critical for fish, wildlife, and public lands, and it looks forward to working with the 3rd Congressional District leader to explore additional options that are favorable to all…
The dead Grande Ronde
Editor's note: The TU Costa 5 Rivers Program sent a handful of college students to the Columbia River basin to study the challenges facing the drainage's fisheries. At 4:30 a.m. we stumbled from our tents and into brisk chilly air. We zipped up our jackets, sipped hot coffee and ate warm oatmeal. After packing camp,…
Pennsylvania protects 70 new stream sections
By Rob Shane On July 16, the Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission (PFBC) approved the upgraded designation of than 70 streams to “Wild Trout” and “Class A wild trout” status. This successful rulemaking came in response to almost 200 public comments from TU members and supporters in favor of the proposed designation. Many of the…
Progress on the back 40
Download the Western Water and Habitat Program's 20 year report The great conservationist, Aldo Leopold, once wrote that “One of the penalties of an ecological education is that one lives alone in a world of wounds. Much of the damage inflicted on land is quite invisible to laymen. An ecologist must either harden his shell…
Costa wins award for women’s sunglasses
When our friends do well, we at TU do well, too. Our friends at Costa Sunglasses were awarded the Best Eyewear designation at this year International Convention of Allied Sportfishing Trades (ICAST) show in Orlando for the company's new WaterWoman line of polarized sunglasses. From Costa's press release on the big win: "Designed for the…