Trout Magazine

  • Tourist season

    A rider in the Tobacco Root Mountains We love having visitors in Montana. For one, it's a huge driver for our economy—we've got an obscenity of riches when it comes to outdoor recreation opportunities and were I to live anywhere else, Montana is where I'd long to be. But by the end of July, after…

  • Fly tying Fishing

    Isonychia Nymph

    Classic flies tied by eastern fly fishers years ago are enjoying a renaissance of sorts. Tiers like Tim Flagler are helping make that happen. Below, Tim ties the classic Isonychia Nymph, a simple pattern that Tim says he's fishing a lot with lately, and with great success. The pattern is an excellent dead-drifter in…

  • Spend time with the future

    Hunter and Alliegh getting it done Every year Trout Unlimited brings together 20-30 teenagers from all over the country for a teen summit. They are mostly veterans of TU youth camps. This year’s group met at Georgetown Lake in Montana. It is not a one-and-done experience for them. After the summit, they commit to serving…

  • Video spotlight Fishing TROUT Magazine Trout Tips

    How to Read a River

    Reading the water is an acquired skill. It's an ability that's honed over time, and one that takes into account not only a river's physical characteristics, but how certain stretches might fish at certain times of the year ... or even certain times of the day. Above, RIO's Simon Gawesworth helps shorten the learning…