According to one stereotype, a rancher’s commitment to the lifestyle is mainly self-serving. The fences they build are as much to keep the public out as to detain resident wildlife (translation: elk) for the purpose of selling high-dollar hunting opportunities. When not dewatering streams, they restore and stock them for their own fishing pleasure and that of paying anglers in search of lunkers in a crowd-free…
New bill would clarify management, improve fishing in Colorado
Anglers should rejoice in the introduction of the CORE Act, particularly if they live or fish in Colorado's iconic Gunnison Valley. The Curecanti portion of the Act, introduced by Sen. Michael Bennet and Rep. Joe Neguse, would establish permanent boundaries for the current National Recreation Area making management simpler and creating improved fishing access. In 1965, Blue Mesa Dam was completed…
Saying ‘no’ to Pebble: This one’s different
What makes Pebble different? Size, type and location.
Photo by Ben Knight I don’t enjoy politics. I pay attention to the best of my ability, but life and enjoying the wild offerings of this world comes first. My love for fishing, and the wild places it brings me, pushes me into advocacy and ultimately getting entangled in some of the inescapable politics associated with…
Schooling the trout
When it comes to our trout fishing, most of us are satisfied with “good enough.” We know a little bit about our local streams and rivers, and a little bit about our gear, and a little bit about insects and fly patterns. While our casting might not be the prettiest around, and while nobody is…
Reconciliation for fish and people in California’s Central Valley
Dr. Rene Henery leads a small team of Trout Unlimited program staff who work on improving and restoring habitat, passage and flows for imperiled Central Valley salmon and steelhead. This effort has taken promising strides over the past several years toward a collaborative, adaptively-managed approach to rebuilding wild runs of native fish and the fisheries…
How to Drift a Soft-hackle
Last week, RIO Product's Simon Gawesworth showed us a great way to swing soft-hackle flies for big-river trout. This week, Simon shows us how to drift a soft-hackle for working trout. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CTvbWsBLY_U There are some notable differences, obviously. First is the technique. When swinging a soft-hackle, you're interested in line tension and the action of…
Returning thanks
Saint Ambrose once said, “No duty is more urgent than that of returning thanks.” That sentiment defines the work of Trout Unlimited’s Veterans Service Partnership, and was visible at the recent “couples trip” hosted by the VSP and the Friends of the Upper Delaware. The Upper Delaware is a great, but challenging wild trout fishery.…