Trout Magazine

  • Voices from the River: Chasing char

    Trout Unlimited’s efforts with the University of Maine and the Maine Department of Inland and Wildlife to develop eDNA sampling methods for Maine’s rare Arctic char continue.    As described in a recent TU story, we’re focused in Maine on the handful of remaining populations of landlocked Arctic char, a glacial relict that’s been slowly losing populations over the last 120 years.    Char exist…

  • Fly tying Fishing TROUT Magazine

    Choosing CDC material

    CDC, or cul-de-canard, is the soft, fluffy material that comes from around the preening gland of a duck or goose. Despite its fluffy nature, CDC really does float pretty well, and a lot of folks use it when tying emergers and the like. Above, Tim Flagler of Tightline Productions talks about the differences between…

  • Community

    Welcome to our new site

    Hi everyone, You may have noticed we have an updated website. All of us here at TU think it's well past due, and we're very excited to give you a chance to get in and explore what we've been working on. We've rearranged everything on the site, and hopefully you find it easier to find…