Pursuing Native Connections
Photo by Colin Arisman By Daniel Ritz How Bristol Bay Fly Fishing & Guide Academy graduates are redefining fly-fishing travel culture in Alaska. Rounding a blind bend in the Brooks River, the nearly 900-pound brown bear surprises us as it sits haunches deep, ripping into the belly of a bright red 8-to-10 pound Sockeye salmon…
The True Cast – The smell of mud
I can smell spring coming. It reminds me of walking to the school bus stop in Wisconsin, in a lost era when the ground would be covered by Thanksgiving with snowfall that would last until St. Patrick’s Day. After a long, dark winter, I would yearn for the special sunny morning when I would catch…
Tip – Is this the right fly?
Building on last week’s True Cast, Tom Rosenbauer goes over more flies. He chooses 12 flies that should work nearly anywhere in the world for trout. This is a great place to start building your fly box. Go with these patterns and then start to diversify with varying sizes and colors. Then go give them…
Klamath fish reintroduction effort receives additional capacity
The 2024 Oregon legislative session ended last week, and Trout Unlimited is pleased to share that the Oregon Department of Fish & Wildlife (ODFW) Klamath Fish Reintroduction effort received important funding to fully monitor the first returns of anadromous fish to the Upper Basin this fall. The largest dam removal project in history is underway…
Caring for the Kenai
Renowned Alaskan river is part of TU’s Priority Waters Alaska’s famed Kenai River is beloved by many. Its frigid, glacial-blue waters run 82 miles and offers great fishing throughout. The abundance of easily accessible fishing opportunities attracts visitors and residents alike. This cherished river is one of Trout Unlimited’s Priority Waters, and I’m here to…
The True Cast – That bug thing… how do I pick the right fly?
If you told me I could only pick six patterns to fish for trout anywhere in America, these are the patterns I’d pick.
Fly fishing for trout encompasses many challenges, which I think is much of the appeal of the sport in the first place. It is, as my friend Monte Burke so eloquently explained, all about puzzle solving; How do I make this cast? How do I know where a trout will be in the river? How…
Tip – Fishing Streamers
Tom Rosenbauer teaches us all about fishing streamers. When and why to fish them, how and a bit about fly and gear selection. If you’re new to fly fishing, this can be a great way to learn where fish live in rivers. You can cover a lot of water and be more effective in dirty…