TU volunteers support stream protections in NJ
By David Kinney TU volunteer leader Agust Gudmundsson came out for a public hearing this week to testify in support of New Jersey’s trout streams, as he has time and again over the years. This week, the cause was a bit closer to his heart than usual. The New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection (NJDEP)…
Protecting a unique native in Colorado
A project to protect a genetically unique population of Colorado River cutthroat trout in Colorado is nearing completion. Abrams Creek, near the town of Gypsum, is the only native trout population in the Eagle River watershed. The cutthroat in Abrams Creek have been given a “highest priority” for conservation by Colorado Parks and Wildlife. The…
Thinking downstream
Casey working a hickory shad “Would you pick Larry Bird or Magic? Who is better Michael or LeBron? Would you take Russell Westbrook or Steph Curry?” For two hours, every few minutes, the questions came. Casey is 13, and a big kid. He hit a dinger in each of his last three baseball games. We…
Columbia and Snake steelhead return predictions slightly better
Winter steelhead season is winding down, if not over in some rivers in the Pacific Northwest. Time for anglers to regroup and prepare for summer runs. First, a bit of cautious optimism. More steelhead are predicted to return to the Columbia River basin this year than in the past two years. Last year the upriver…
Sawyer joins TU to embrace streams nationwide
You could say it all started with Ralph Sawyer. After a legendary canoe racing career, Ralph began building paddles and oars. In 1967, he established Sawyer Paddles and Oars in the small town of Rogue River, Ore. He fell in love with whitewater rafting and began producing whitewater oars. Sawyer oars were soon found in…
Selecting CDC, Part 2
Last week, Tightline Productions' Tim Flagler taught us the CDC (cul-de-canard) basics—we know that the feathers come ducks or geese, near their preening glands. These feathers have lots of surface area, which helps them trap air and keeps the afloat quite well. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MmKTqiQS7Ls Above, Tim shows us how various CDC feathers are used in common…
Montana Fishing Outfitters supports clean water
Montana. The center of the earth for fly fishing. And somewhere west of the center of Montana is Helena, home to Montana Fishing Outfitters and my friend Garrett Munson. Garrett is one of those people that you want on your team. He’ll never quit, and he’ll never let you down. He’s the original go-to guy.…