Ambitious TU volunteers making progress on Battenkill
Adding large wood to streams can help narrow over-widened channels and also provide a place for trout to hide from predators such as mergansers, which have been found to be decimating trout of certain sizes in the Battenkill. By John Braico The storied Battenkill, long recognized as a challenging river among anglers, faced a steep…
Voices from the River: One fish
/wp-content/uploads/2019/05/blog/CR-steelhead_Mar-2019.jpg A single fish can mean so much. By Sam Davidson A single fish made me really happy recently, and I wasn’t even fishing. To be sure, this was no ordinary fish. It was a brute of a steelhead, as long as my arm and 12 pounds in heft, easy. So perhaps anyone seeing it…
Voices from the River: Nuts
/wp-content/uploads/2019/05/blog/Screen-Shot-2019-03-26-at-1.11.06-PM.png A nice Dolly Varden caught thanks to energy provided by peanuts. Photo by Eric Booton. By Eric Booton For better or worse, my wife and I are trying a diet. We aren’t the “diet type,” in that we don’t jump around from diet to diet or generally adhere to a strict diet. Currently though,…
Walking under a trout stream
/wp-content/uploads/2019/05/blog/Screen-Shot-2019-03-25-at-2.17.12-PM.png The American Museum of Fly Fishing and Johnny Morris' Wonders of Wildlife aquarium and museum in Springfield, Mo., will give curious anglers the chance to walk under a carefully crafted trout stream and see how trout move about the water column thanks to a new partnership between two entities. In addition, a large portion…
Voices from the River: Resolved
Resolutions in January are dumb. I really can't get into making any sort of rule for myself when there's only seven hours of daylight and simply getting the newspaper feels like an expedition across the arctic tundra. Leniency. Naps. Snacks. S weat pants. These are things I can get on board with in January. But…
Trout Tips: The Mirror Effect
Editor's note: The following is exerpted from TU's book, "Trout Tips," available online for overnight delivery. Just like it's always shocking to hear your own voice, it can also be surprising to see what you look like when you cast. There's a reason ballet studios and music rooms have large mirrors: this is the way…
Sky Blue Outfitters supports clean water in Pennsylvania
/wp-content/uploads/2019/05/blog/sky-blue-brown-092817.jpg Pennsylvania is a fly angler’s state. And Rick Nyles is a fly angler – and a darn good one. Rick owns Sky Blue Outfitters in Fleetwood, Penn., and he’s Gold Level Trout Unlimited Business member who has been guiding all over the Keystone State on some of its best waters for 20 years. And…