Regional Rendezvous Season: Are You Ready?
Attending a Trout Unlimited regional rendezvous is quite the experience. Not only is it an opportunity to connect with like-minded coldwater conservationists, it is an opportunity to learn about the latest science, celebrate conservation successes and to shape a new perspective of your chapter or council's efforts through networking. Plus, it is always #TUmuchfun! While…
Maine volunteers collect eDNA samples for Arctic char work
When Arctic char are caught (by angling) at sample sites, data is quickly collected from the fish prior to their release. By Dave Huntress and Steve Brooke Maine’s Kennebec Valley Trout Unlimited Chapter is in its second season of using environmental DNA samplingto detect the presence/absence of Maine’s rare and unique “blue back” Arctic char in a handful of…
TU volunteers monitoring spawning redds and dam sites in Massachusetts
Members of TU's Deerfield Watershed chapter work on their redd survey on their home river. The past year has seen TU staff and volunteers in Massachusetts engaged in a variety of efforts in the field. The Deerfield Watershed chapter had a big year in 2018, particularly with their efforts with a sapwning study in the Deerfield…
The end of the world as we know it
Take a stroll through the concourses of Denver International Airport this time of year, and the fly rod travel cases are nearly as ubiquitous as rubber rafts lining the local rivers in July. If not entirely a fishing town, Denver is a town of fishermen. And there may be nothing they enjoy more than decamping.…
Patience on the Denali Highway
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Highlights aplenty in New Hampshire in 2018
Crews spent weeks loading Poorfarm Brook in Gilford, N.H., with wood structures to enhance habitat. By Colin Lawson and Erin Rodgers Trout Unlimited’s staff had a busy year in New Hampshire in 2018, spending some time monitoring previously completed projects, installing new projects, and evaluating opportunities for new projects in 2019 and 2020. From site visits, to completing field surveys, to…
Highlights aplenty in New Hampshire in 2018
Trout Unlimited’s staff had a busy year in New Hampshire in 2018, spending some time monitoring previously completed projects, installing new projects, and evaluating opportunities for new projects in 2019 and 2020. From site visits, to completing field surveys, to conducting eight community workshops, TU staff did a little of everything in 2018. One major project that consumed a lot of hours for the…