Trout Magazine

  • Voices from the river

    Voices from the River: Tell me a story

    Hillary and youngest daughter, Susie, fishing on the Green River. Photo courtesy of Hillary Walrath. By Hillary Walrath “Mommy, tell me a real story from when you were a kid.” Recently, my oldest daughter became obsessed with me telling stories before bed. I started with fairy tales of make-believe but one night I was tired…

  • Video spotlight

    Video spotlight: Together

    Volunteers from the Snake River Cutthroats (Idaho Falls), Star Valley (Wyoming), and Jackson Hole Trout Unlimited chapters braved cold in mid-October 2017 to plant willows, mulch and seed. Kris Millgate/Tight Line Media. Partners in the Tincup Creek Stream Restoration Project in eastern Idaho near the Wyoming border recently completed Phase 2 of the plan with…

  • Science

    New report: The importance of diversity for California salmon

    Adult Chinook salmon in California's San Joaquin River. California salmon and steelhead reside at the southern limits of the ranges of their various species, and have evolved a diversity of strategies to survive in California’s highly variable climate. However, alterations in land use and resource management over the past century and a half have degraded,…

  • 2018 State of Trout Unlimited

    State of Trout Unlimited 2018 from Trout Unlimited on Vimeo. Watch as TU President and CEO Chris Wood delivers the 2018 State of Trout Unlimited presentation to volunteers at the organization's annual meeting in Redding, Calif.

  • STREAM girls star in new video

    This past summer Trout Unlimited partnered with Girl Scouts of Michigan Shore to Shore to bring the STREAM Girls program to scouts in Michigan. STREAM Girls, which stands for science, technology, recreation, engineering, arts, and math, is an exciting watershed-based program that introduces girls to STEM education and fly fishing in a fun, hands-on, experiential…

  • Video spotlight

    Video spotlight: Save Bristol Bay

    Orvis has teamed up the TU's Alaska Program to craft a very simple, very powerful short film about the need to protect Bristol Bay and its headwater rivers and streams from the potentially disastrous Pebble Mine. Video of ORVIS Presents: Save Bristol BayNo matter how you feel about mining, there ought to be one constant…

  • Alaska: Chili cook-off and campfire!

    For several months when the sun is at its peak and salmon are making their upstream journey, Alaskans are fishing, harvesting, and exploring to the fullest extent possible. Summer is brief, and we hone our skills to seize every free moment. Now though, with changing colors and cooler temperatures of fall, life has slowed down.…