Trout Magazine

  • Fishing Fly tying

    Fly tying: The Mop Hopper

    Last week, I shared Tim Flagler's video on building round rubber legs for terrestrial patterns. It's a brilliant (and relatively simple) way of crafting rubber legs that always rest at that perfect 90-degree angle. Video of Mop HopperAbove, Tim puts the method to use in his Mop Hopper pattern, a great high-floating terrestrial that trout…

  • Voices from the river

    Voices from the River: Mind-fishing

    The stuff of dreams, Trinity River. By Sam Davidson The first hints of autumn always seem to bring things into sharper relief. When you have spent almost no time lately with a rod in hand, not taking advantage of the last wet-wadable days of the year, that clarity can be unwelcome. Thank goodness for social…

  • Public lands and the impacts of mining

    Trout Unlimited and the work we do to protect and restore our nation’s coldwater fisheries is multifaceted. Advocacy is significant part of what we do, but we are a lot more and it sets us apart from any other natio nal conservation organization. Throughout the country, staff and volunteers invest countless hours and tens of…

  • Five Rivers Odyssey: Restoring a salmon factory

    The Staney Creek region of Prince of Wales Island holds 139,000 acres of Tongass National Forest wilderness. This temperate rainforest is the largest national forest in the country and holds a unique biodiversity rich with fish, terrestrial wildlife and forest vegetation. It also serves as means for tourist recreation, subsistence for the resource dependent communities…

  • The Beaver Believers

    Photo by Lizzie Bridges By Megan Euclide I am walking down to the river just after sunrise. There is no wind. Early light reflects off the glassy surface, brighter than I expect at this hour. My waders are already strapped. As I approach the water’s edge, I wonder, will I catch anything today? This might…

  • Conservation

    Two days, one fly

    By Chris Wood Walt shook his head. “It’s up to you man, but I wouldn’t use a streamer. There’s a ton of wood and other snags in the river through the park. But it’s your call.” At the put-in, another guide commented, “I had two really good streamer fishermen hit the same stretch yesterday, and…