Trout Magazine

  • Fishing The True Cast Trout Talk

    The True Cast – 3 things

    The three things that intimidate would-be fly fishers (and why they’re no big deals) Companies that sell fly-fishing gear obviously do a lot of research to help them understand their customers, and when it comes to turning the curious into dedicated aficionados, they’ve learned that there are three main barriers that stand in the way:…

  • Advocacy

    Bipartisan Win for Abandoned Mine Cleanup

    Good Samaritan legislation advances key Senate committee with unanimous consent To watch cable news, you might think that our country is hopelessly divided on partisan lines. If you work in conservation, though, you see that genuine bipartisanship is possible with a lot of hard work. Today, the Senate Energy & Public Works Committee passed the…

  • Dam Removal

    Klamath Reservoir Drawdown Begins

    The world’s largest dam removal project takes another step forward as the reservoirs behind Iron Gate, Copco 1 and JC Boyle Dams begin to be drained In the middle of January, early in the morning on a cold winter’s day, the process to reconnect the Klamath River took another huge step forward. Crews opened the…

  • From the President

    A National Network of Priority Waters

    Tom Sawyer was made to whitewash the fence as a punishment for being mischievous, but he appeared to be having such a good time with the chore that soon all his friends were bribing him with apples, feathers and other trinkets so they could paint, too. There’s a lesson in Mark Twain’s story that speaks…

  • Priority Waters

    Priority Waters

    Picture a native trout in a river, suspended in the flow. Or wild salmon flooding into a stream, following instincts handed down over too many generations to count. Think of a community blueprinting ideas, raising voices, getting hands dirty, to see that the next generation experiences the magic of those fish and those waters. These…