Voices from the River: Community Fishing Day
Russian River Falls. Photo from Flickr Creative Commons By Jenny Weis I was momentarily upset when a member/supporter event for work, “Community Fishing Day,” got scheduled the same Saturday as Ladies Backpacking Weekend. Summer goes by so fast, and with visitors, salmon fishing, travel and jam-packed calendars, it’s not uncommon to seldom see your Alaska…
Trout Tips: Wait for it…
A bonus for waiting and watching. Photo by Chris Hunt. I spent the weekend in Yellowstone National Park, catching the tail end of the fishing season and enjoying some glorious fall weather that, by late October, is usually only a memory for die-hard anglers who visit the park this time of year. And most of…
Intelligent tinkering
By Chris Wood It gives me great pride to live in a country that says it is our policy as a nation to “halt and reverse the trend toward species extinction, whatever the cost.” The Endangered Species Act is a patently American idea. Its presence demonstrates that we are not a desperate nation, hungrily grubbing…
Summer steelhead in the Elwha rise from the ashes
Rise of the Phoenix: an Elwha River summer steelhead (Photo: John McMillan) By John McMillan Should we invest in dam removal? It’s a question that many communities, businesses and policy-makers are facing these days — partly because of agin g infrastructure and financial liabilities, and partly because of legal obligations to protect water quality and…
Voices from the River: Precious time
By Chris Hunt I've never been much of a public speaker. It's just not my thing. But when my sister-in-law asked me to speak at my brother's funeral ... well, you don't say 'no' to that. In truth, I sobbed my way through the eulogy—Brice was my little brother, and while I could handle the…
Video spotlight: Amazon River Fly Fishing
My friend Mark Melnyk travels the world hosting episodes of The New Fly Fisher, an old-school fly-fishing program that's adapting to its web-only format quite nicely. Every time I watch an episode, I'm transported back to those lazy Saturday mornings in the 1990s and early 2000s, when hosts like Jose Wejebe and Flip Pallot would…
Fly tying: The RS2
I was in Denver a couple of weeks for a family thing, and I got to spend some time with my aunt and uncle in the city's suburbs. My uncle is an avid fly fisher—he and I went to northern Saskatchewan this past summer and spent four days on a boat together chasing pike. We…