Trout Magazine

  • TU in Action: Restoring Oregon redbands; ranch access in Wyoming; exceptional water in PA, and more

    TU is part of the newly launched Our Pocono Waters campaign in Pennsylvania. Photo courtesy of PA Environmental Digest. The term "partnerships" might sound kind of boring when thinking about restoring cold-water fisheries, but, truth be told, without them, precious little would get done. And there's nobody better at fostering partnerships—and accomplishing good restoration work—than…

  • Voices from the river

    Voices from the river: The Holy Trinity

    Angler on California's Trinity River. By Sam Davidson Every year, when the perseid meteor shower flings sparks across the night skies, I start thinking about fishing the Trinity River. The “Holy Trinity” is one of the best salmon and steelhead streams in California, and perhaps the Lower 48. In August summer run steelhead are in…

  • Video spotlight

    Video spotlight: Mend

    The next time you're on the river to escape the rest of your manic life, stop for a minute and consider how lucky you really are. Chances are, if you're reading this, you're healthy. You might have healthy kids, a good job ... a car that runs. You might have challenges, but I'd be willing…

  • Video spotlight

    Video spotlight: Trout Heaven

    Imagine that perfect, pastoral trout stream where native fish with nary a care rise to mayflies all day long. Just in your dreams? Perhaps your idea of Heaven? Video of Trout HeavenWe should all be so lucky to be able to cast over wild, native brown trout in a sweet little southern Sweden River after…

  • Video spotlight

    Video spotlight: Rio Grande Argentina

    Oh, this is going to be good. If you're a fan of fish porn at its most visceral, the trailer below to Todd Moen's new film about fly fishing the Argentina stretch of Tierra de Fuego's Rio Grande River ought to have you foaming at the mouth. This is perhaps the best destination fishery in…

  • Video spotlight

    Video spotlight: Biot horns or wings

    This latest installment of the Orvis fly-tying series featuring Tim Flagler covers biots used as "horns" or wings, like in a Prince nymph. Tim has covered the basics of biots and the use of biots for tails in past videos—this one just rounds it out for you. Video of Biot Basics - Biot Horns or…