Voices from the River: Grazing reality
By Toner Mitchell Livestock grazing has always played a leading role in shaping the image, if not the substance, of America. Evidence is everywhere from the burger in your hand, the jeans covering your butt, possibly your favorite pro football team (“America’s Team”), to the truck you drive “til the cows come home," even if…
Alaska and Montana sit at the top of every angler’s bucket list
By Chris Wood Montana wisely chose to stop stocking trout in 1974. Alaska’s sheer size and quality habitat make it the most desired destination-fishery for very large native rainbow trout and salmon and steelhead. Passing separat e ballot initiatives in each state will ensure that both states remain iconic. In Montana, I-186 would allow the…
What does ‘Yes on One’ really mean for Alaska’s salmon?
By: Eric Booton The November 6th general election is rapidly approaching, and with every day that passes defenders of salmon habitat are working hard to distribute the truth to Alaskan voters. To keep it simple, we’d like to boil it down to the basics of what a “yes” or “no” vote means to our supportive…
Yellow perch … in Yellowstone?
Yellow perch were discovered in Goose Lake inside Yellowstone National Park in 1919. Photo by Wikimedia Commons. Wait. Don't panic. There aren't any yellow perch inside the boundaries of Yellowstone National Park. At least not anymore. I'm in the final throes of researching a book on the wild trout of Yellowstone that'll hit bookshelves next…
Trout Tips: Dress flies so you can see them
Sometimes it's just as important for you, the angler, to see your fly as it is for the fish to see it. Photo by Chris Hunt. Editor's note: The following is an excerpt from TU's book, "Trout Tips," available online or in our annual gear liquidation sale, along with seasons one and two of TU's…
Pinks and steelhead
Pink salmon in its spawning phase. Fall is in the air and it’s time to get on the river. But first, let’s give our steelhead IQs another booster shot.. This week we have a guest writer and scientist, Colin Bailey, a PhD student studying fisheries science at Simon Fraser University under Jonathan Moore (Moore is…
Video spotlight: Aniak Mousing
Todd Moen at Catch Magazine is at it again. The mousing subculture among fly fishers is just as rabid as any steelhead conclave or dry-fly crew. Chasing big trout on mouse patterns has become nothing short of a religious endeavor for many. Video of Aniak Mousing *TRAILER* - Alaska Fly Fishing by Todd MoenAnd Moen,…