Trout Magazine

  • Voices from the river

    Voices from the River: Redemption

    By Jenny Weis This’ll be one of my shortest blog posts. For pertinent background information and full appreciation of what follows, first check out this post from earlier this season. (TL;DR: I came so close to catching a great rainbow trout on a beautiful river, on a perfect evening, but it eluded the net and…

  • New gear: Pescador on the Fly premium travel rods

    You may remember seeing our friends at Pescador on the Fly in previous blogs or in TROUT Magazine. They are excited to announce that they are now shipping their new Premium Travel Fly Rods, currently available in 5 weight, but rest assured, they have more sizes on the way. These 9-foot fly rods are super…

  • Sierra Trout Camp 2018

    By Tom Kloehn It was the first day of Sierra Trout Camp 2018, and even though the kids weren’t fishing yet, it was hard to miss their enthusiasm for any chance to get near a river. The kids were bouncing around the creek, splashing in and out of the water, completely oblivious to rocks and…

  • New gear: Snowbee XS Plus fly line

    For new anglers, the numbers and weights attached to most fly-fishing jargon can be a bit much. Mabye there's a simpler way of doing it. The folks at Snowbee, a UK company that's making some inroads here in the U.S., has launched two new fly lines under the XS Plus brand that it claims match…